Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Who is the villain now?

I am back!!! I have missed blogging and hopefully i will continue to do this for this is my release.. So lets begin..

So who are the villains in sport now? Cant say i see anymore athletes to hate!!! Lebron has finally won!  John Calipari has too. Dale Jr. has his monkey off of his back with a win two weeks ago.  Eli was lambasted for saying he was an elite quarterback and then went out and defeated BOTH Rodgers and Brady en route to a super bowl title!! Favre is gone.  T.O. is being blacklisted from the N.F.L by all of the teams, and the STEROID cases have all blown up in the face of the sports world and the Government. Sharapova won the French Open and Tony Stewart won the Nextel Sprint Cup last fall and the entire media treated him like he needed to be "held" throughout his season.  Who does that leave?  Floyd Mayweather is in jail.  Lance Armstrong is being chased down again but the evidence hasn't changed in ten years. I will tell you who is the villain in sports:  (Wait for it). ESPN and all of the sports writers in this lovely country
Would I kill to work at a reputable sports network? Absolutely. My biggest dream in life is for you to turn on your television and see me pontificating about the world of sports. There is a difference between me and them. Number 1, I dont want to tell you what is news and what isn't news and they do.  When i was a kid, i loved sports because the media seemed to romance the heroes, and try to uplift the zeroes.  When we beat Russia in 1980 it was the greatest accomplishment by this country in sports. We were so proud and happy to defeat that team. Think about your childhood for a moment.  Don't you remember more stories about triumph, accomplishment, and pride than you hear today?  Ali is my hero. Never heard anything about Ali.  Especially the way they do things today.  Lawrence Taylor and Micheal Jordan my other favorite two athletes, were never made a villain like today.  How about Mickey Mantle? We read about the crazy days of his life but he never faced this nonsense. Broadway Joe, Joe Louis, Wilt Chamberlain, Babe Ruth. All of these men were lauded.  Yes it took Wilt a long time to win a title but people understood that it was a team that won titles and individual greatness could not overcome the team concept.  The Celtics of the 60's owned him. The Yankees owned the Brooklyn Dodgers.  The MEDIA never made themselves the story.  The stories were all about the athletes who achieved and who were great.
Today we are inundated with stories about Tim Tebow because he has infused religion into sports and that he is supposedly unable to play the position of quarterback.  Eli Manning said recently that its fascinating that his team just won the super bowl and he is the third least talked about quarterback in his own city.  Why does it matter what Tebow does?  Why do the media try and create stories instead of allowing the true stories develop and be what the sports fan truly want?  Before Matt Kemp got hurt he was off to an epic season.  Instead of pumping up Mat Kemp, the stories were about the failure of Albert Pujols. One sentence about Kemp, but forty pages about Pujols slow start.  There is so much hatred of today athlete that it is a wonder why people want to be a professional athlete.  Bryant Gumbel last week in his closing statement went off about how Mayweather, Schilling, T.O., were finally feeling the brunt of karma.  Tebow is going to be the story for the next 7 months unless he gets hurt.  Last year there was so much to talk about in the N.F.L. and week end and out all we heard about was Tebow.  Brady,  Brees and Stafford threw for 5,000 yards and Cam Newton in his first year as a starter threw for 4,000 plus as a rookie. The Giants are the most forgettable champion in years. 
The reason that I say it is Espn and others, is simply because they are the ones who seem to create the buzz of the sports world.  They are the ones who for months when Brett Favre was retired killed us with Favre's every move. They are the ones who send Sal Pal over to Jets training camp  or Rachel Nichols over to see Lebron. The Kings won the Stanley Cup and it was swept under the rug like it didn't happen.  Novak Djokovic had a chance to win four tennis majors in a row.  He is never mentioned in the pantheon of the best athletes today.  The LPGA is non existent even though Yani Tseng keeps winning majors. Lebron won the title four days ago and they keep showing interviews of him and roundtables about what he has to do next to eclipse Jordan or Shaq , or Magic. Why cant they just leave sports one night to the actual sports and talk about the great action on the field.  Arizona just became the second team to win the College World Series history to sweep through the championship.  The Giants and Pirates are playing series that move them closer to first place in their divisions.  Wimbeldon has started and Venus Williams is fighting a serious disease that affects her play.  Edwin Encarnacion is having a year to remember.  The top 8 picks in the NFL draft have not signed. Bounty gate?  Why wont the league show the proof to the players about what they have on the players?  I guarantee if there was more attention put on the positive things in sports, maybe the athletes wouldn't be so negative to the press.
 There has to be a change in what is more important in sports than speculation and innuendo or potential.  I am soooo tired of hearing about things that don't matter. Sports era of the 60's is lauded because teams were bigger than the individuals.  Jim Brown was greatest athlete of that time but only won one title.  People to this day still bow to him. Wilt was a the single most dominating force in sports but the Celtics kept winning.  Mickey Mantle could not win a title without the dominant pitching from that team.  The Packers of that era was about team.  (Jerry Kramer should be in the hall of fame).. We understand talking about Tiger, Manny Pacquiao, Serena, they play individual sports.  Micheal Phelps needs to win 16 medals or he is a failure.  Appreciate him for who he is and what he did four years ago. I miss the days of having sport heroes.  I hope Christian Ronaldo is getting ready to be ridiculed because Spain is too good.   When did sports become so villainous?  Why does sports have to be negative?  We escape to watch sports.  We understand that there are bad people and bad stories need to be told, but there are lot of positive things in sports that need more attention.  Dont Be afraid to tell us those stories too..

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