Wednesday, August 15, 2012

what is Washington really doing?

Today Steve Strasburg is scheduled to pitch against the San Fransico Giants.  Strasburg is one of the key reasons why the Nationals have the best record in baseball. He doesn't have Verlander type numbers from a year ago, but his numbers nonetheless are impressive. He has a 2.90 ERA.  He has a boat load of strikeouts.  He has a modest won-loss record.  He is a headline grabber and when he pitches, his games are usually an event.  The reason why he is in the news so much these days is that his team has him on an innings count and with 133 plus inning thrown this year, he is closing in on the number allotted. Has he had a lot of stressful innings this year? That is a tough question to answer.  He is a strikeout pitcher so most of his innings are full of pitches that are fouled off.  Curt Schilling said that a stressful inning is in the seventh inning and beyond and you have to make pitches to get outs.  Strasburg has not pitched in the 8th inning this entire year.  That is astounding.  He has had several quality starts(which is 6 innings), but doen not have a complete game or one start last 8 innings. Is he an ace?  What is this team doing?  Are they helping Strasburg and hurting the team? Why didn't they start him in mid May or even June 1st? Lets analyze this situation.
One of my favorite athletes of all time is Dan Marino.  When Marino came into the NFL he set the world on fire.  He threw passes into areas that no one thought he could. His release and timing with Nat Moore, Mark Clayton and Duper was impeccable.  He went to the Super Bowl inhis second year as a pro and I am certain everyone told him that he would be back again and again and again.  He was the most prolific passer in NFL history until recently a lot of his records have been falling, but guess what, He NEVER made it back to the big game again.  He never played in the Super Bowl in spite impressive victories and prolific moments in his brilliant career.  Steven Stasburg may never get an opportunity to play in the post season ever in his career.  Nothing in sports is guranteed or promised.  I can name you hundreds of great athletes who have never had a chance to win the big game.  I can name you hundreds of athletes who had to go to other teams and take a lesser role to win or play in a title game.  Ray Bourque took over 20 years? I fully understand that the Nationals are looking towards the future and since it worked last year with Ryan Zimmerman it will work for Strasburg.  What they seem to not understand is how hard getting to the playoffs really is for most teams.  Hank Aaron played in how many playoffs and world series? Ted Williams played in how many playoffs and world series games?  Not many off the top of my head.
I understand that coming off an arm injury season yes the Nats want to protect their investment.  I watched Johann Santana pitch a no hitter and he has not been the pitcher since.  He threw more pitches that game than he has in years and he is having an off season. But what was Terry Collins supposed to do?  What if Strasburg throws a no hitter today or next week?  Are they going to take him out of a game when he hasn't allowed a hit?  Also doesn't anyone remember what happened last year in baseball?  There are about 40 games left in the season, what if the Nationals start to tank like the Braves and Red Sox did last year? This is a young team with players who do not know how to finish off a playoff race.  Injuries happen daily in this game for the dumbest reasons. Players get hurt playing video games, slipping in the shower, running to a base.  I know this is not Strasburg's decision or even Davey Johnsons, but you have to seize the day while you can.  Remember the Mets?  Remember the Mets had all of that young pitching that was going to remind us all of the mets of the mid 80's and we were going to be in the world series yearly.  Paul Wilson, Jason Isringhausen, Bill Pulsipher, Kirk Pressley, Bobby Jones. They barely pitched together on the same staff.  All of their careers decimated by injuries.  It is a tough call, i know, baseball is a cruel game.  Strasburg may never be the same pitcher again.  Clinch the playoff berth first then shut him done for a few starts. If he does not pitch in September, the Nationals will be at home watching the playoff with me..

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