Tuesday, April 23, 2013

NBA playoffs... God I hope Lakers get swept..

Last night, the Clippers beat the Grizzlies at the buzzer. Chris Paul hit a one handed push shot with great defense played on him by Tony Allen enabling the Clippers to take a 2-0 lead in the best of seven series. So I got up this morning to hear the pundits talk about the inept Clipper half court offense or how they squandered a 12 point lead in the fourth quarter.  I was waiting for them to talk about how Chris Paul is a killer and how he would not let the Clippers lose.  I turn on ESPN first take and they open with the Lakers? They open with twitter gate? They talk for 20 minutes about an interview Coach D'Antonio did on the Dan Patrick Show about Kobe Bryant's reaction to the game on Sunday.  I hate the Lakers... The Lakers are the Tim Tebow of basketball. All season long tedious stories about this dreadful old team that is going nowhere. Just like Tebow. I have never wanted to scream at people I respect so much in my life.  Who cares if the Clippers can't win the title. Who cares even if Memphis had won the game last night. The Lakers are not the story. The NBA had two good games last night, the NBA gave out its sixth man of the year award out yesterday, and there were several other stories to talk about. How about David Lee being out for the playoffs. How about Derek Rose not playing in the post season. Who cares about the Lakers? Delusional fans who truly understand that they are going home within a week? 
There are three games tonight. If I hear anything about the Lakers, I will personally go to ESPN pull out the satellite feed nationwide. The funny thing is that the pundit shows originate in Connecticut. Who wants to wake up in Connecticut, Boston or New York and be deluged with Los Angeles Lakers nonsense? My niece does. She loves the Lakers. Maybe she is in charge of the programming.. The L.A. Tebows

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