Today, December 10, 2009 Barry Lamar Bonds retired from baseball. Most of you probably thought he already did. He is the poster boy for the "steroid era" in baseball and also the first athlete that I can honestly say has been "blackballed" by his sport. Do I think Bonds took steroids, honestly yes. Do I think he knowingly knew that he was taking steroids, maybe. Maybe he was doing something that at the time was not considered a steroid. Mark Mcgwire took a substance that was sold over the counter and at the time was not a banned substance from his sport. Maybe Bonds was doing Creatine or Thermadrene. I took those and got my weight up to 315 but I looked 250. I am sad that he retired today for a bunch of reasons. We will get to those in a minute. So no parade, no motorcade, no ceremony by his final team, no plaque with his name on it or tip of the cap to and adoring crowd. Bonds last days as a Giant they did that for him. Two years ago!!! He still in his last season hit more home runs than any Giant did last season. It is a disgrace that he has been kicked to the curb by major league baseball.
Lets talk steroids briefly. I like everyone else don't have a clue what the effect of taking steroids has on a baseball player. People keep saying that it makes you hit the ball farther and obviously it makes you stronger. Then why did other players not have the success that Bonds and A-rod had with the drug. Hitting a baseball is not as easy as the media and sporting press has made it out to be. Plus the crazy thing about Bonds is that his batting average improved during the alleged times that he was doing steroids. I don't want to argue semantics but that should not have happened. He walked like a thousand plus times and did not hit a ton of doubles or triples. In most games he got one at bat and if he got a hit that was it. It is a shame that we will only remember him for the last 10 years of his career instead of the great player that he was. 23 years encompasses a long time in sports. So many highlights are all wasted because no one trusts his accomplishments of the last 10 years.
Greg Anderson must have done something terrible in a previous life or he must have done something to Barry Bonds. This man has been in jail for over 3 years in total protecting information that he has about Bonds and steroids. People say that this is the ultimate loyalty. I wonder if Bonds is paying his bills at home or his lawyers fees. My theory is that Anderson gave Bonds steroids and Bonds did not have a clue what he was taking. I think Bonds found out and it was too late to stop and he just kept doing them until the cycle finished. The rationale behind my crazy theory is why the hell would anyone go to jail to protect a multi-million dollar athlete? The most time Bonds would get in jail would not even a year and he would pay a fine and be done with this. Lets say Bonds would get 5 years for taking steroids he probably would get out in 2 and he would still be rich. Greg Anderson has lost 3 years of his life protecting his name!!! Protecting Bonds has destroyed Greg Anderson. Greg Anderson may have destroyed Barry Bonds. Spending Christmas in jail for a crime that you have not committed really sucks. Bond to my knowledge is not mobbed up so I don't understand the sacrifice being made by Anderson.
So a great ball player career ended today!!! He should have been put on a pedestal and appreciated. Barry was his own worst enemy. He would not let the press control him and now it seems like the new mission is to keep him out of the Hall of Fame. McGwire is about to become a hitting instructor for the Cardinals next season.. Sosa has bleached his skin. A great era of baseball has been tossed aside because of these men. None of these men won championships so why do we care. Don't they say that" if you ain't cheating' you ain't trying'?" The final stat line for Bonds:2935 hits 1996 runs batted in 514 stolen bases
762 home runs 2558 walks 2227 runs scored
What a career that will be forgotten!!!!
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