I like to play poker when I am at work and I am bored. Texas Hold 'em is my game and I think that I am pretty good at playing. I was playing the other day and I never realized how mentally disturbed people are around the world. The arguments had on Poker Stars.com are absolutely priceless. People get upset if you take to long to play or if you don't speak English or the language that the table predominantly speaks. When I say upset, I mean upset. People literally will curse you out over any type of comment or if your computer freezes or if you beat them consistently. I have to admit, it is pretty frustrating and you want to play a hand and person is debating whether or not to fold or bet. Some people do take forever. My only problem with that is you are playing for free. I currently have 180,00 plus in my account and as much as i want this money to be real, it is not. I know that there are speed games and those games are even wilder with the commentary. The funny thing is that there is supposed to be a person who monitors all of the conversations and they admonish people for speaking in another language and those who curse. People are smarter than they think. Currently there is an argument going right now as i blog to you. A player named Twinkle eyes is upset because she or he was cursed at in Spanish for winning on the river. So now every one is writing all of their messages in Spanish and she or he is responding in English with profanity. To write the word shit for example, she has typed it as s.h.i.t. The computer allows that.
Yesterday there was a debate whether playing online poker can make you a better player. I said it does because it helps you get familiar with so many types of hands and maybe it helps you develop your own style. Yes there are people who play every hand and go all in on every hand and you just want to slap them. Yes there are people out there who think that they know everything and you just want to strangle them. But there is no better feeling of satisfaction when you beat them. I love it when a person goes in on every hand annoys everyone at the table and then I get a hand and go all in with them and they have nothing. My only weakness is betting. I never know how to bet. Most times i under bet and instead of burying my opponents out of hands I give them the opportunity to stay in them. Sometimes it works because I have a great hand but sometimes it backfires. By the way a table moderator just stopped the game because the table is speaking too much in Spanish. That happens from time to time. I just had a hand that I am sure I was winning and since I did not blow up the pot, someone just hit a club flush. I am quitting now because the moderator has done it again because these idiots starting cursing again in Spanish.
Poker is a cruel game. I have had so many bad beats and tilt moments that I wonder why I still play the game. Online poker is a drug because there are no consequences for your actions. If you lose all of you money, the give you a thousand dollars three times an hour. I prefer to play in the 5 to 10 dollar game. The money tends to last a bit longer and the cards seem to be more friendly. I play the 100 to 200 game when I have had a good few days of winning. I do pretty well on those tables and the dialogue is pretty wacky. Plus once in a while a real pro will play and he or she will spend the entire time guessing your hands and they are usually right. I played with Daniel Negraneau once and after beating him twice in a row on river beats he began telling me every card that i was getting. It was weird that he guessing my hands correctly. Everyone is a genius. I think that the only difference between online and real poker is money pressure. The skill of body reading is over rated. Yes everyone has some kind of tell but you really have to know what you are looking for. I admit I get nervous when I play for real money and you can tell it in my conversation. The very first hand I ever played at a real table I hit three jacks and won a good pot. For the rest of the night I was real quiet. I was so scared that in the next hand when i got a king ten I mucked it and the table flopped a king and a ten. I would have won because the next card was another 10. A full house and because i was scared I let it go. I was out within five hands after because i started chasing bad hands. I have grown into being a better player but I will never forget that night.
Anyways, if you do play online poker, play each hand like you would if you were playing for real stakes. Who knows maybe it will make you a better player. Don't get mad at your opponents if they criticize your ability. Then again you will never see them so talk as much s.h.i.t. as you can.
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