Now i cherish my sleep as much as the next guy but today I had to get up and boy I am glad that I did... First off the soccer matches between USA and Algeria and England and Slovenia were compelling to the very end. I allowed my wife to have to have T.V. privilege so we watched the English match and when it concluded we turned to see if the U.S. could get the game winning goal and boom.. Landon Donavan cleans up the rebound and we are on to the second round. So is England. My home is at peace.
i have come to realize just how hated Americans are when it comes to sports. When in two separate games the referees made horrible calls that nearly cost us a chance to make it to the second round this World Cup. FIFA thinks that it is a god like organization and they love telling other countries to stop whining and grow up. Why should we stop whining? Get the fricken calls right and then we will shut up. When Ireland was denied their right to play in the Cup because of the hand ball by Thierry Henry FIFA listened to the protests but did nothing to alleviate the problem. It must make them feel so powerful. No wonder why we don't care about European sports. Yes we just had an umpire screw up a perfect game, but at least he admitted his mistake and felt like he let down his sport. Bud Selig could have declared the game a perfect game but felt that for the lore of the game he will keep it as it ended. People around the world talk about how salaries in our sports are ridiculous and that the skill level in traditional European sports warrant more praise for what they are able to achieve. Their athletes play for country and honor and we play for dollars and dollars. The irony is that soccer players around the world make outrageous amounts of money and so do the coaches. Teams literally go into other countries and buy players for just as much dollars as the Yankees do when they are seeking the best talent out there. They love basketball and are starting to come around on football and baseball. They don't respect us in Hockey but tolerate us because the Canadians need a money market.
Then there is tennis!!! Are you hooked on this Mahut and Isner match? 59-59 in the fifth set. I could not believe what I was seeing. They have combined for 193 aces. That is sick. Isner is a serving machine and at 6 feet 10 inches is probably imposing at the net. Mahut is a moving machine and holding his own with his serve as well. I hope they can go one more day without a winner. I cannot wait to see tomorrow. All of you tennis players out there can you imagine holding your serve 50 consecutive games? Federer the great and Nadal have gone through tournaments without being broken but 50 straight games? Nadal just went through the French without losing a set. To me that is difficult. Holding serve 50 plus times is insane...
Then i had a physical. Now I am all for a ethnic group looking out for his brethren but some of these Mexicanos take it too far. Now this is the second time that I have gone in to see a doctor and be in the waiting room for hours and someone just show up and be seen. Now when i was a bouncer i took care of my friends an so maybe this is retribution for all of those years. All I saw was cash baby and I let anybody in that could put some dough in my pocket. Everybody was my friend. Black, white, asian, latin, persian, i spoke all of the languages for some c.a.s.h. At children's hospital when this happened i warned a group of sistas that they better speak up or they will be here all day. The were and my wife had to remind them of what they needed to do before she was therefor an extra hour. Needless to say when they took my blood pressure it was elevated. We need to get some people working in these clinics. Next time me and jefe are going to throw hands..
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