George M. Steinbrenner died today and I am shocked!!! The man was and is the most important sports figure in the last 50 plus years and it is funny because I am sure that so many have other people in mind when referring to that claim to fame, but there really is no denying what I just said. Huh? He taught the sports world that the only reason to play sports is to win. He opened up his pocket book and gave his Yankee teams a chance to win. Many people my say that he failed his constituents in the 80's, I am sure that if he knew then what he knew later on in life, he would not have hung his players and managers out to dry. He would have built his teams around the stars that he had in the 80's and this dynasty would have had more titles than he had. I find it funny that he was being praised today by Dave Winfield and Yogi Berra who had epic and near "fatal" disagreements with the "BOSS". Many people today do not remember that he was once banned from baseball and was convicted of crimes in a crazy affiliation with Richard Nixon in 1974. He was a football guy too!!! He loved Ohio St. and it became ironic that his greatest player in years as a Yankee was a Michigan guy!!! He tried to help every Yankee that he could. Darryl Strawberry will always be a Met to me and I find it ironic that Mr. Steinbrenner did what he could to help him, Canseco, Doc, Steve Howe, Tim Raines, just to name a few. How funny is that? Think if the Yankees had spent money in the 80's like it did in the 90's till today how many more titles would they have won. He was a mentor to many owners and his impact in all sports will never be forgotten. Jerry Jones says that "the Boss" is his role model. He is one Ohio guy that has made his state proud and it is because of him that Yankees are what the are today. On January 3rd, 1920 the Yankees got Babe Ruth. On January 3rd, 1973 the Yankees were bought by Mr. Steinbrenner. I was born on January 3rd. So am I going to something insanely incredible and become famous? I think Hawaii was sold to us on January 3rd, 1959..
Now he and Billy Martin can have a normal conversation without Billy getting fired....
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