Wednesday, November 25, 2009


This time of year everyone starts thinking about the year that they had, Christmas gifts, and Thanksgiving Dinner. This year I am trying something new by not having the traditional feast but enjoying this amazing Lasagna type pie my wife makes because she is vegetarian. This pie has potatoes, broccoli, cheese, tomatoes and if I tell you any more she will kill me for it is her own recipe. I am thankful for her being in my life and producing one hell of a young girl named Miracle. I am thankful that my father and siblings have made it this far this year and I look forward to the many blessings of the Christmas season. I miss my mother and I wish she was here everyday but I am thankful that she is no longer in pain and is manifesting herself through my daughter. I am thankful to my friends who inspire me to write everyday because it is really keeping me mentally motivated in my attempts to figure out how to be a better man, father, husband and provider.
With that being said this Thanksgiving is greeted with difficult news for a few sports figures around the globe. I am sure that the Irish National soccer team wants to strangle the referee for missing the obvious bad calls in the game against France. France seems to always find themselves embroiled in some controversy. I thankful that they did not attack the referee and harm him because we have all heard of stories where fans go fanatic and cross the line.
I am thankful that there are six undefeated college football teams thus slapping all those people in the face that say that we don't need a playoff in college football. Some of the one loss teams would love a shot too. Unfortunately on two will have a shot at the title.
I am thankful that Brett Favre is having a great year and the critics who have been talking soooo much about why he came back this year was a mistake are eating crow instead of turkey. His success is making the Packers look foolish for not re-signing him. The Jets for not acknowledging that he had an injury last year could have had Sanchez learn under him!!!
The person this rant is mainly for is Charlie Weis!! Charlie Weis came into South Bend, Indiana and basically slapped Tyrone Willingham in the face. He used tough talk, like he was Bill Parcells and basically told the Notre Dame faithful that 6-5 was not good enough and you are who you are... The irony of the Charlie Weis regime at Notre Dame is that he only made B.C.S. games with Tyrone Willingham's players. Brady Quinn was not a Weis recruit. He has brought in great talent on offense and they are a tough team to stop. They have had a tough luck year. They have not been beaten badly in any games they have played in this year. They have had a chance to win in every game this year, but their defense could not stop anyone. So I am thankful that Charlie Weis is about to find out that he is who he is .. I feel sorry for him because his integrity and honesty is refreshing. But he is no Parcells or Bellichick. And I wish all of the Parcell proteges would stop acting like they are Bill Parcells. They act like they are the mob and it is really annoying. I feel badly that his family has to endure listening to his name everyday in a negative light. He brought it on himself.
Allen Iverson.. A.I. Dont Retire.. Swallow your pride and come off the bench and be like the microwave. You are the best under 6'1 player anyone has ever seen. I am thankful that I got to see you play live in NCAA tournament. Don't go out like this..

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