Monday, May 17, 2010

hello my friends...

It has been two weeks since I last blogged and a ton of things have happened good and bad in my life and in the sports world. The NHL playoffs have gone mad with a team losing the first three games of a series and comes back to win four straight. They were even down 3-0 in the first period of game seven. OUCH!!! Sorry Bruins fans!!!! I actually like the Bruins and lost a bet that they would still win the series. No Sid the Kid or Alex the great trying to win the Stanley cup. Lebron is "gone fishing" as the Celtics took him over their knees and spanked him and the Cavaliers. Tiger did not make a cut and withdrew from a tournament. Lawrence Taylor is being accused of rape of a 16 year old girl. The Mets went from first to worst in that time period. My baseball team finished its season unceremoniously and we will not have a triple crown winner in horse racing this year. I may touch on those topics later this week but today I am sounding off about this Arizona law.
It is sad that we have as a premise in this country that tells the world to bring us your tired, weary, and poor. No one is from this country. We all came from somewhere and it is disturbing how racist and short sided we are all becoming. Racial profiling is everywhere. I have tanned white friends who tell me that they get pulled over because they are thought to be Latino. I have been lucky that I have not had it happen to me and I think that being 280 pounds and and well spoken may have something to do with it. Arizonans are nice people. Every person that I have met from Arizona has been the nicest person that i have ever been around. This state just has a lot of backwards thinking. They did not have a Martin Luther King Jr. holiday and I wonder if they still don't. I cannot understand why a state on the border of foreign country want to anger so many from that foreign country. I live in Los Angeles and we too live on the Mexican border. We took this land just like the land in Arizona was taken and set aside for people to live in. People often wonder why the Mexican Federali's rob almost every American they can. It is due to the stupid laws that discriminate against their people. The funny thing is that right now, the Phoenix Suns are led by a foreigner named Steve Nash. The Arizona Diamondback have a few players from outside the U.S., the Arizona Cardinals do as well, and the Phoenix Coyotes do as well. Many baseball teams have spring training in Arizona and all of these teams have players from all over the world. The money generated from spring training is in the millions and for the legislature to ignore that fact is crazy. Yes the point is that if these athletes are legal to be here then there is no problem, but we all know that they are not. For Phil Jackson to say something supportive of this law shows his ignorance of his own team. There are a few Lakers who are foreign and I wonder if they have their papers in order. The immigration argument in this country is a foolish one because this country was built on the backs of people who were not citizens or natives to this land. I say we tax them all and make some money off of them because that is why most immigrants are here. They are here to get a better life. Do you know how much it costs to go through immigration in this country? The hurdles that my wife and I are going through because I don't make a ton of money is ridiculous. We actually have to find a second sponsor and the second sponsor would be responsible to take care of my family until she became legal if something happened to me. The process takes from 3 months to 10 years!!!! So until you are involved in the situation, I think people should just shut up on the topic. Yes I don't want to live in a world where every criminal around the world comes here and gets asylum or can hide here because we did not protect our border, but how we say to the world to bring us your tired, weary and poor, and expect to tell who is really tired, weary and poor. This country is supposed to be a land of opportunity, and instead it is becoming a land of jealousy and bitterness. I run a youth Hostel and the guests often ask can they leave their passports with us in the office because they don't want to lose them. Can you imagine traveling around world with that fear of losing your identification knowing that at any moment if you lose it in Arizona, you are going to be detained in a prison cell until they can figure out who you are? I tell all of my guest to take their passports everywhere they go in this country... You never know...

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