Wednesday, June 30, 2010

a lot to say today...

I had all of this vim and pent up energy to blog about the world of sports today and I still will but without the conviction that i was going to. I just saw over the news wire that Randall Cunningham's 2 year old son was found dead in a hot tub. He was not at home and the adult supervising the child was also watching other children and I am just wrecked at the moment. Obviously being a father of a child who is approaching 2 I am visualizing myself being in his position and I am fighting tears right now. As the summer progresses let this be a reminder to all of us to make sure our children are safe at all times possible. I am really struggling with this thought. For one most of you know that I am a poor swimmer and as it gets hotter out here we will be looking to find a place to cool off during the days and evenings. I don't want to let my child out of my sight ever again after reading that article. Not even to a babysitter.... I am rally shaken right now.. Hug your child extra tight tonight... I sure will

Free agency starts in 7 hours and I hope that it is ant-climactic. I hope Lebron stays in Cleveland and Bosh and Johnson come to New York and then next year we get Carmelo Anthony. He wants to be in New York so his wife can continue to pursue her entertainment goals and he wants to be on the east coast. The NBA is gearing up for a crazy summer and everyone is getting paid somehow. Lebron needs to be somewhere where he can create his own legend. Cleveland should have never fired their coach and should have never let Danny Ferry go. They did not win the title but they are moving in the right direction and quite simply lost to better teams in the last two playoffs. Lebron needs Amare Stoudamire who would give him the low post presence on offense that they need and a point guard who is not afraid to compete in the big games. All of these comparisons to Jordan need to stop. Jordan got lucky to have a guy in Pippen and Rodman,and Paxson, Kerr, who all accepted their roles and did them without complaint. He was lucky. The Celtics have that now. They believe had Perkins not gotten injured they win game 7 against the Lakers. They were out rebounded by over 20 in that game so i tend to give that statement some credit. I cannot wait to see what happens and maybe I will begin to sport my Knick colors again. I am wearing them today.
Roger Federer lost today at Wimbeldon and I think that he is beginning to break down. He still is going to be a threat to win every tournament he enters for the next few years and it is sad the he is being eulogized at age 29. He still has game and I guarantee hat he will be a finalist at the U.S. Open in the fall. It is so sad that we wait for our heroes to fall. He will be back and he will silence his critics.
FIFA is a joke. The world cup is a joke and it deserves to be addressed in small case letters than caps. I hate technology as much as the next old man on the street but if it is something that can help the game and make the games more appropriately called why not use it. This not the 1900's any more. I am so sick of hear about Presidents of powerful organizations saying how human error is a part of the lore of the game. We can accept offsides in soccer because it can happen so so fast and if you are out of position and can not make the call that is on the referee. But when a goal is disallowed or a perfect game is prevented because an umpire blatantly misses a call and replay would solve the problem, then it should be used to make it right. I would hate to see a championship determined because of a call that replay could fix. Ireland was denied a chance to play in the world cup because of two hand balls. Getting the calls right is the most important thing isn't it?
Edwin Jackson threw 149 pitches the other day to get a no-hitter. The ex Dodger, Ray,and Tiger has been solid for those teams and had not pitched well for the Diamondbacks this season. Hopefully he can keep being consistent. Can you believe that there are only 4 African American starting pitchers in the major leagues today? Where are the black pitchers these days? I think that they are Price, Sabathia, Willis and Jackson. That is crazy. Blacks have a great pedigree of great pitchers in baseball history and to only have off the top of my head four pitching right now in baseball, it is illogical. I am surprised by how the influence of football and basketball has completely vanquished the talent pool of my people. The thing that makes no sense to me is that there are more opportunities in baseball than in any sport. You would think that young kids are playing more golf or tennis because of the prowess of the Williams sisters and Tiger Woods. NOT!!! Why is that? Serena and Venus are from Compton so if they are being treated as sellouts then people are stupid. Tiger went a great college and he may talk like a white guy but so what he is the only black face you see in golf. His niece is supposed to be a phenom but that only makes two. What has happened is that young blacks see how uncomplicated it is to succeed in other mediums and don't want to play certain sports that would flourish because of them. Yes it would be difficult to fill Tiger or Serena shoes but one never knows till he tries!!! The success of Jay-Z, Lil Flip, Biggie, 50 Cent,Drake and others buy selling music out of their cars and making the industry come to them has so many believing that they don't need to go through the nonsense that other business people have to. I tried to do a clothing line without any financing or serious support and I have found it quite difficult. A few friends have been great but you need more than a few. If you think about baseball, every era has had a superior black pitcher since Jackie came in in the late forties and and early fifties. I hope that it is a phase and who knows maybe i can coach a few and turn them into major leaguers..
I will talk about more tomorrow as I need to get my blogger legs going..

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