Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Alex Rodriguez or Mark Sanchez: who gets it worse?

Earlier this year I blogged about how Tony Romo and Andy Roddick get crushed by the media because of their inability to walk on water. The criticism of Romo has not relented as his Cowboys are a mediocre 2-2 and have had two very bad lossess to Seattle and Chicago. Roddick retired. Nothing left to say about him. Mark Sancez and Alex Rodriguez play in the media capital of the world and every move they make is scrutinized. No matter the excuse or justification surrounding what they have done or not done, the New York media absolutely destroys them. The problem i have with it written or said about both men is that they have been both set up to fail or have put themselves in situations where they have no one to blame for their failures. Let me elaborate...

Alex Rodriguez has been linked to two players his entire career. Derek Jeter and Nomar Garciaparra played the same position that Alex did and they were supposed to revolutionize the position both offensively and defensively. They have done just that. The difference between the three is that Derek Jeter is a 5 time World champ, has 3000 plus hits and generally recognized as this generations greatest leader of men. Nomar's career was interrupted several times because of injuries. He could have been apart of the Red Sox teams that won two world titles. His trade to the Cubs, then Dodgers, marred what could have been a Hall of Fame career. What Alex does not possess that the other two seem to have is likability. He has been critcized from day one because he not as "quiet" as Jeter or Nomar. He was teamed with Ken Griffey Jr. and never seemed to learn the importance of being simply just being seen and not heard will give you longevity in this league. people critcize him because he signed the largest sports contract in American sports. He is getting paid 24 million dollars and is only hitting .179 in his most recent two post seasons. He has not hit homeruns or driven in runs like he was paid to do and people question his commitment and even if his gaudy career number were a by product of steroid use. Last night, the word is that Alex cannot hit a fastball anymore. I can understand a fastball going 97-100 miles an hour, but 89, 90, 91? If the Yankees could trade him he would have been gone years ago. He has had only one stellar post season and that was in 2009. There is nothing the Yankees can do other than move him down in the lineup or flat out buy him out. Alex has brought most of his critcism on himself. He has been quoted in books and magazine articles criticizing Jeter. These next few games will be interestin to say the least.

Mr. Sanchez is a completely different story because he has not come to New York telling the world that he is the greatest thing since butter pecan ice cream. Sanchez's problem is simply the Jets failed him. They give him receivers and then they take them away. He had Braylon Edwards for a season. He had Plaxico Burress for a season. They Jets brass got rid of both of them. His go to guys Dustin Keller is oft injured and Santonio Holmes is the most overrated number 1 receivers in the game. He had a good Super Bowl because the Cardinals were focused on stopping Hines Ward. He made the catch for the ages and hasn't produced since. NOt only do the Jets take away his weapons, they bring in a lockerroom divider in Tim Tebow. Tebow stands there and says all of the politically correct things to say and gains the respect of half the locker room. Last year in Denver he took a mediocre Denver Bronco team to the second round of the playoffs. He is not better than Sanchez, but different. I can complete more passes than Tebow, but Tebow just finds a way to just win. Maybe the defense knows that they have really buckle down and play hard to stay in the game because if there is 2 minutes on the clock and they have a chance Tebow can win the game. Sanchez spoiled Jet fans by leading the Jets to the championship game in his first two years. In both games, the Jets literally were one good half from winning. They dominated the first half against the Colts and dominated the second half against the Steelers. Sanchez last night played as hard and determined a game as i ever seen him play. He did not allow Mr. Foster to run for 152 yards. He did not create the confusion on the sidelines which forced the Jets to burn important timeouts. Give the man a break and give him some talent to throw to. If he does not produce with the talent given him, then by all means bring in Tebow. He is going to need therapy...

Winning will quiet everyone in both Alex's case and Sanchez's..The Yankees must get to the next round. The Jets better beat the Colts this weekend. The world is watching...

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