Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I am tired of..

You know what I am tired of in sports is hyperbole Monday or overreaction Tuesday. I listen to sports radio shows or talking hairdo shows on a daily basis and you would swear that the broadcasters are personally invested in each team and player around the leagues.  This past 10 months in sports we have heard every comment one can make about Tony Romo, Mark Sanchez, Jay Cutler, Albert Pujols, Lebron James,Tim Tebow, just to name a few. I am so tired hear about these men.  I am tired of hearing radio hosts say that they don't buy into the hyperbole Monday or Overreaction syndrome of sports and then they do. Dan Patrick started this kick about Peyton Manning's arm strength is not what it should be.  Manning apparently cannot complete passes over 20 yards and that teams should just jam his receivers and dare the Broncos to beat them deep.  Even though this season Manning is averaging over 280 yards a game passing, something is still wrong with his arm.. Even though last week against the Raiders he was 30-38 for 338 yards something is still wrong with Mannings arm. The two losses against Atlanta and Houston( who are both unbeaten still) Manning played poorly in the first half but rallied his team back to have a chance to win each game and someone says something is still wrong with his arm. 
Then there is Mark Sanchez. Everyone criticized ESPN for all of this extra coverage of the New York Jets. Mark Sanchez is going to need therapy soon if he is not already in therapy.  The Jets have played Pittsburgh, San Fransisco, Miami, and Buffalo.  The first two teams are defensive machines that beat up every quarterback. San Fransisco has wins against Green Bay and Detroit who have two qb's that threw for a combined 9700 yards last year.  The Niners made them look foolish. Sancez is being set up to fail because the most important thing to the Jets is to be "Paper Champions" and get headlines instead of victories.  I can say this because they did nothing to improve their team on either side of the ball.  they brought in no weapons to help Sanchez.  They brought in Tebow to create problems for the team. i am tired of hearing about Tebow and quarterback controversies especially in New York. This is not Denver.  There is a quarterback in the division named Tom Brady who knows how to win games. There is no Carson Palmer, Matt Cassell or Phillip Rivers lurking in this division who all under achieve. The controversy is bad for football because it takes away from the good things that happening around the NFL.  Matt Ryan has been phenomenal.  Arizona is getting a redemptive performance from Kevin Kolb. Rookie quarterbacks are playing at a level that no one has ever seen. Sanchez deserves to be treated with much more respect than he gets.  He has no one to throw too.  Keller is always hurt. Holmes is a overrated diva. He has no running game.  Shon Greene was supposed to inherit the throw and he has disappointed.  I am tired of people blaming the wrong person.  Watch the games and learn something about them before you pinpoint the problems. 
Tony Romo on Monday night was 31-43 which is over 60 percetnt completeion ratio and Joe Theisman and the rest of America blames him for the loss.  Yes he threw 5 picks. How many balls did Dez Bryant drop that would have kept drives alive? I am tired of hearing about Romo did not do this or Romo did not do that.  How about the balls that Austin dropped? Dallas is 2-2 and tied with the Giants and the Redskins.  Mike Vick has 9 turnoversand the Eagles are in first place. The Eagle fans want to get rid of him too. The  Cowboys come back from their bye week with a game against the Ravens.  The Jets play Houston on Monday.   I cant believe that I am defending the Jets and the Cowboys.  I must be really tired..

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