Sunday, February 3, 2013

Who wins the Super Bowl today

This is as difficult a super bowl to handicap as there ever has been. The funny thing is why? On paper the San Francisco 49ers have a better team than the Baltimore Ravens. On a 54 or 47 man roster, the 49ers have 17 players who have either been voted to a pro bowl or played in the game at some point. They have the better running game, passing game, rushing defense, and passing defense. They have the premier defensive linebacker's in the game. They have the future superstar pass rusher  on their team. They can maul you on the offensive line, finesse you with the pistol offense, embarrass you with the deep pass. This year clearly, the NFC is far more talented than the AFC. Did you see the Pro Bowl? Did you see how the Packers mauled the Texans? 49ers beat the Patriots? Redskins beat the Ravens. This game shouldn't be close. Right?
The only reason people think this will be a competitive game is people think that there has to be some magic to what the Ravens have done.  They have beaten the Colts, who had their old defense coordinator. They went to Denver and finally beat Peyton Manning in a meaningful game. They beat New England in Foxboro. The Ravens were the only AFC team to defeat the Patriots this season. The Ravens in most people's eyes are an older version of the 49ers on the defensive side of the ball. The Ravens can run the ball and stretch a defense with their passing attack. Joe Flacco can throw a ball from end line to end line. They have so many compelling story lines. The death of the owner Art Modell. The retirement of Ray Lewis. The inspiration of O.J. Brigance and his physical battles. Tory Smith and his brothers untimely death. Is Joe Elite? So many typical cliches to make a team want to overcome. If they did not have all of this baggage  I wonder what the true spread would be. We know that paper doesn't win titles execution does.
The 49ers just simply have been brilliant.  Colin Kaepernick has shown he can win with his arm and he can win with his legs. He ran circles around Green Bay. He set a rushing record by a quarterback in that game. Against the Falcons he rallied his team with his arm and savvy to victory. He could be a trailblazer today if he can win this game. Everyone is ready to see a different style quarterback win the big game. We have seen Steve Young do it as a dual threat guy. Jeff Hostetler do it as dual threat guy. They threw it more in the Super Bowl game. Young threw 6 touchdown passes and could thrown more.
Hoss ran to keep drives alive.
I am taking 49ers to win. Too much offense. Too much defense. 34-17. Sorry Ray

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