Friday, March 1, 2013

Lebron should not worry about Jordans comments

If I was Lebron James, I would hassve just simply laughed off recent comments made by Michael Jordan. If I am being compared to the greatest player to ever live, i would just take it in stride. Remember Micheal Jordan's career?  He was critcized for everything until he started winning titles.  He had every highlight. He wowed everyone with his prolific scoring games, aerial assaults, participation in slam dunk contests.  Everyone still said that Bird, Magic, Wilt was better until Micheal started winning rings. Mcheal was lumped in with Connie Hawkins, David Thompson, The Doctor, as a player who could wow the crowd. Doctor J won titles, so his aerial assault was appreciated because he won championships. Dominique Wilkins and Micheal were must see tv if you only wanted a show and not a victory.
Lebron did get his ring finally. He got it in seven years like Jordan.  He has been in 3 championships with a losing record. Micheal never lost a championship series. Kobe is 5-2 in title series. In my view all Micheal really said is when Lebron wins his 5 th ring then I will say he is in Kobe's class. He was measured that way.  The only reason no one says Russellwas the greatest player is tnat he was 6'10 and played in an era where he had only one peer. Wilt gets criticized because he was bigger than everybody. He doesn't get credit for his athletcism or dominance. He was supposed to do what he did. Imagine if he made free throws.
Lebron is en route to destroy all of accomplishments of the great payers before him. He is the right age and is playing a brand of baketball never seen. Having Dwayne Wade as a sidekick doesn't hurt either. Jordan for my take was issuing a challenge to Lebron to come join them at their table. When he does the debate will reallyy begin. We will always wonder had Micheal not taken 2 years off would they have won 8 straight titles. Maybe Lebron will try football for a year. He was an all state performer. I want to see if he can catch Kobe and Micheal.

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