Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Is the NFL about to go back in time?

Remember the 80's? Crazy hairdos, electronic music, colorful clothing, and NFC dominance in pro football? How about the 90's? Chubb Rock, the high-top fade, Good Fellas, and The NFC dominance in pro football? I believe from 1984-1997 the NFC won every super bowl. I think the Los Angeles Raiders beat the Washington Redskins in 83 and the Broncos beat Favre and Green Bay in 1997. Yes I know that Baltimore won the Super Bowl last season, but have you seen how loaded the NFC is? Let's talk about the AFC today and you will see why I am worried about how this season could be the beginning of run for NFC dominance....
If you go by division, you will be lucky to find 6 teams that are playoff worthy much less super bowl worthy. The AFC east or least is horrible. The New England Patriots could win this division with me playing quarterback. The Patriots have not won a super bowl in a decade and every one is wondering if Tom Brady has peaked. They lost Wes Welker so their offense will be different. Their defense hasn't been the same since their super titles. Yet they will some how win 13 games, get home field and lose to someone in the playoffs. The Miami Dolphins may be improved overall as their quarterback gains experience. No Reggie Bush which gave them a running game. If they win 8 games that will be a miracle. The New York Jets are either going to be real bad or horrible. Richard Todd couldn't save this team. Freeman Mcneil , Richard Caster or Carl Basilauskus or Greg Buttle are not walking into that locker room to help this team. Sexy Rexy should cut and run. They have destroyed Sanchez. Yikes.  Buffalo has a lot of talent. Can you name anyone on this team? C.j.Spiller can ball. Stevie Johnson can too. Mario Williams. Okay. E.j. Manuel has a lot of potential and a ton to live up to. Is he a first rounder? He was drafted in the first round and now it is time to prove it. A new head coach in Marrone who has a great reputation could spell a positive future for the Bills. This year however will be long. 
The AFC south has two good teams in Houston and Indianapolis and two bad teams in Tennessee and Jacksonville. Houston has the talent to go all the way. Great running game. Great receivers. Solid D-line. Solid secondary. So why can't they win? They can't win because they don't have anyone who makes they wow play that makes a difference. They are a grinder team. They don't scare anyone. You know what going to see each game. I think they don't believe they are actually a good ball club. Everyone seems to hold their breath when the play the Patriots, Packers, or any team that has equal talent. The only way to quiet the critics is to simply win. We shall see.. The Colts shocked the world last year. No one expected them to win as many games as they did. Everyone is expecting a decline this year because year 2 in the Luck regime will be tougher. The schedule will tougher and preparation for the Colts will be taken more seriously. Luck needs a running game to take pressure off of him. Their defense is a liability. They can win some AFC games but NFC games could be difficult. Tennessee hasn't been the same since Steve McNair died. Jacksonville hasn't been good since Brunell left. Both teams hang their hats on a running game and tough defense. The only problem is they don't have a tough defense and the quarterback play is erratic. This division is slightly better than the east. That is not saying much.
The AFC west is like the AFC east. One super team, the Broncos. One team that has potential, the Chiefs. One team that is a head scratcher, the Chargers. One team that has talent but is still going to struggle, the Raiders. The Broncos last year got hot
Last year and got stunned in the playoff game against Baltimore. Peyton Manning played like a M.V.P. and the Broncos defense was really opportunistic. They had a crazy schedule and held their own. This year they play the NFC east and have to play all of the "good" teams in the AFC. They lost Dumervil on defense and Von Miller for the first 6 games. They can score a lot with addition of Wes Welker. They are going to have to until the reinforcements come back.  The Chiefs have a new Coach in Andy Reid, an angry fiesty quarterback in Alex Smith. Great running back in Charles. Solid crew of linebackers and receivers. So why the doubt? Charles is always hurt. Smith is coming off an injury season. The secondary can't cover anyone. They defensive line is young. Any questions? The Chargers have Rivers, Gates, Matthews, Freeney.  So what's wrong with them? Rivers, Gates, Matthews and Freeney aren't enough. Matthews is often injured. So is Gates. Freeney is 75. They lost Ingram for the season. Manti Teo hasn't shown us much yet for he has been hurt. This season could be a train wreck. The Raiders have good players, but they are all young and unproven. Learning season for Pryor. Matt Flynn got another payday but can't beat out any rookies or second year players. Where is McFadden? They have Heyward-Bey. The question is do they make this a learning season or try and win? Tough decision..
The best division in the AFC is the North. The Ravens lost a ton of talent. Lewis is gone. Bold in is gone. Reed is gone. They could go from the top to the bottom. Joe Flacco got his big money deal and all he does is make the playoffs. This year will be a challenge. The Steelers are getting no love anywhere and I think they love it. Big Ben is probably loving the fact that no one gives them a shot. They lost Wallace and Harrison. They need a running game to be the true Steelers. The need a blitzing scheme that works to be true Steelers. Don't be shocked if they are in first place or last place this year. Cleveland has some optimism this year. A good young physical defense. A stud running and quarterback who is not afraid of the big bad Ravens or Steelers. Don't sleep on Cleveland.  This division is the Bengals or bust. Two years in the postseason. A good young quarterback. A good young receiving corp. Tough defense. They can't cover though and that is what kills them in the end. They have all of these cast offs from Dallas and Taylor Mays, who have a skill set, but struggle between the ears. Put up or shut Bengals.
So here is the rub.. Patriots, Texans, Bengals, Broncos are a lock for the post season. They can compete against anyone. They Chiefs and Colts will be wild card. Soft divisions they play in and AFC North teams will beat each other up.  Only 6 teams will have winning record.  Texans and Broncos in AFC title game. Peyton will be in New York in the big game. 

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