Sunday, September 8, 2013

The nfl shoud be ashamed of itself for this concussion settlement

I first started playing football as a six year old in Greenburgh, N.Y. The Fairview Center had it all. Basketball, Baseball, Summer Camp and Football. There was a kid on my team named Sean Williams and he could ball. He had a 80 plus yard touchdown run and it was awesome to see. I remember in Jr. PeeWee football practice doing drills like monkey rolls, reaction drills and something called bull in the ring. Never heard anything about concussions. I remember one practice we practiced against the peewee team and someone got the wind knocked out of them. He was gasping for air like that scene in total recall. I was scared but playing left guard I knew that I wouldn't get hurt unless I hurt my self. As I advanced through the years, I only saw one person get a concussion. Steve Sacks got dinged up pretty badly in a game my junior year. He was my go to guy our senior year. He has turned out fine. Now I am not equating my exploits as a player to that of a NFL player but I am certain no one told us about concussions. There were two really outstanding players in pop Warner. Reggie Battle could really hit,. Alfie Fullwood could too. Again no concussion speech then either. I remember in high school watch these amazing videos where John Facenda would narrate these great sequences where NFL players would get nailed and it would inspire us to want to duplicate what we saw. No concussions were ever discussed.
Fast forward to today, every thing is being done to prevent concussions and there is nothing that can be done to stop them. The only way to stop them us to end football period and we all know that isn't going to happen. We ask these human missiles to entertain us the best way they can and now we are making it worse for the league. Players have been taught knockout shots for years and got paid mucho dinero for putting players out of the game. Now there is a dangerous strike zone that is going to put more players in wheel chairs and not decrease concussions because helmet to knee or leg hits can cause concussions too. Players don't spend a lot of time at practice learning how to tackle because there are not long practice sessions any more.
So what the league does to help those already afflicted by giving them 765 million dollars to help them deal with their issues. The players want 9 billion. 9 billion is the cost of the most recent television contract. The league didn't even give the players a day in court so that a judge or arbitrator could dispense a proper amount. The case is closed and if players want to go back to court, they would have to do it individually or as a group forfeit it all. Also only 10 million dollars is going to research. 465 is going to the players. 200 million is going to lawyers fees!!!!!! When I worked as a security guard at clubs some nights I would take inferior tips just so I would have money in my pocket instead of breaking the bank. I felt like a prostitute because I was only motivated by the money and not the principle of my labor. NFL players took an insulting offer and have hurt the future. They should have opened Pandora's box. Now there will be no accountability. Yes 100,000 plus per person is a huge benefit and more money than a lot of the players before 1970 received in their entire career. They should have forced a national forum. The NFL just showed the players the difference between why they have it all and the players will never. The best interest is supposed to be for the players and their families. We all know medical care is going to evaporate that money faster than one can spell "it". I thank god I have a girl. I am not sure I would let a son of mine play football.

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