When i heard that the NFL is really getting serious about putting a team in a different country, I laughed. Why do we need to globalize a sport that few countries play and really don't need? It is one thing(and it really bothers me) when U2, Paul McCartney and the Rolling Stones play at halftime at our super bowl. I never understood that either but at least a large portion of the country are huge fans of the groups. I ask a lot of Brits about our game and most of them ask the question of why are they in pads, or what do certain penalties mean. They also say that people would support a team if one was there. I think at first it would be hated by everyone involved because jet lag is very real and preparations for the game would bother the coaches. Coach Bellichick seemed very upset when asked about the experience. When major league baseball went to Japan, a lot of players complained that it took them a while for their bodies to get back to a routine... If the NFL went to Mexico, i think it would be better than London. The travel would not so bad and there is a large percentage of fans in Mexico that loves pro football. The Dallas Cowboys have a huge following in Mexico. So do the Chargers and Cardinals. The Bills are going to play a few games in Toronto this year. I think that is a great idea because of travel is not too bad. (Seattle is pretty far for all teams too). Plus with the Canadian Football league helps give the NFL credibility. Maybe if there was players from other countries playing in the NFL I would probably not have such a problem with going to London. I think that there are 2 players from Australia in the league.
Now if the NBA wanted to go global, I would be in favor. There are several countries that have professional leagues and they have American players playing in them and the international teams are starting to kick our butt. The Toronto Raptors have an enormous following and I have been told that the night life up there rivals Miami, NYC, and Hollywood. I think that Spain, Germany, Russia, Greece have very competitive leagues. Basketball is a global sport. NFL football is not. Baseball is as global as basketball but again if MLB went global i would understand. I think that the All Star game should be USA versus the world...
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
No Clue At All

What can I say about the NCAA that has not been said before. When I was growing in my teen years, the NCAA slapped programs down like they were an annoying friend. They did it without malice and discrimination. If you got caught cheating, stealing, lying, embarrassing the NCAA you got sanctioned so hard that it would take years for you to get back up again. Ask the University of Kentucky basketball program, Southern Methodist University football program, Auburn University football program just to name a few. Right now Florida St. University is being made to forfeit games because of a campus wide cheating scandal that has rocked the school. Athletes from different disciplines were caught and everyone is affected. University of Memphis is under investigation because an unnamed player apparently didn't take his own ACT test or SAT test. The NCAA doesn't play and you better not take them lightly.
I guess that NCAA would rather avoid creating a playoff system that crowns a true champion.. another topic on another day..
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
who cares about a legacy?
The dictionary defines the word legacy as something handed down from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past. In this sports world today the most important phrase seems to be "what about his legacy?".. Does Mark McGwire care about his legacy. Does Barry Bonds care about his? What about Brett Favre? Tiger Woods? Serena Williams? Kobe Bryant? The rant today focuses on the legacy of two of our huge stars that have serious situations that need to be discussed. They are Alex Roduguez and Andre Agassi.
I was, am a huge Andre Agassi fan. I remember going to see him play in a tournament back in 1987 in Vermont. He was there, Pete Sampras was there and John McEnroe was their too. I believe Micheal Chang was their and so was Ivan Lendl. Agassi had on this bright yellow outfit and all of the women there were going nuts over his long hair and matinee idol looks. I have watched thousands of his matches throughout his near 20 year career. I rooted for him when they called him "gagassi," when he did his image is everything commercials and all the media kept saying "no Andre, winning is everything". I got up bright and early and watched him survive 8 million aces from Goran Ivanesivic and win his first Wimbeldon. I watched when he and Babs and Brooke Shields fawned all over him when he won the US open. I was an Agassi guy. I love Pete Sampras but I would always support Agassi over him. When Andre opened that school in Las Vegas I was overwhelmed. He was the first athlete that i thought finally got it. Oprah opening schools in Africa made little sense to me when the schools in this country need help and there needs to be more schools in this country than malls or restaurants. The news I heard today about Andre and crystal meth is disturbing. I have no other way to describe how i feel about the news. Is his legacy destroyed? In my opinion, his legacy is tarnished some because he lied to the ATP. My only question is why tell everyone now? You are a leader in your community and the past is the past. I have never done drugs so I don't understand the mindset in taking them,but Andre is a leader of young children now. If you wanted forgiveness or help, you should have admitted this back in 1997. The world would have never turned their back on you despite all of the phases of what you were going through. He was every one's brother, big or small. He is still one of my faves but this day will be apart of the Agassi story forever..
The irony for Alex is Barry Bonds had a defining world Series and his legacy is still tarnished. It wasn't Bonds fault that the pitchers gave up a 5-0 lead in game 6 nor it wasn't Bonds' fault that in Game 7 the didn't pitch to him. He was awesome in the series. He hit a ball off of Troy Percival that is still traveling..
Do athletes care about their legacies, in private hell yes!!! In public they pretend they don't but we know the truth. Why do you think Roger Clemens is fighting so hard to clear his name.?
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
is the NBA action FANtastic?

As a new season begins in the NBA, i ask myself is the NBA action FANtastic? Do I crave to run to the television, order the NBA League Pass and watch every NBA game as I once did as a youngster? My team the New York Knicks have not been good for years. I remember sitting in church way back in 1985 turning to my cousin Sam and saying that the Knicks got Ewing!!! He looked at me and said how do I know? I told him I had a funny feeling. When i got home and heard the news, I was ecstatic. Bernard King was my favorite Knick.
At first I was going to write that i hate today's NBA. I think teams are filled with guys who cannot shoot, pass or do the basic NBA fundamentals. I blame Micheal Jordan for this. Everyone wants to be like Mike but should have realized that he is one in a million.
This season should be the best season in the past 10 years. All of the great teams have made trades or signings to bolster their lineups and every game will matter. The west has 5 really sensational teams. Denver, Los Angeles, San Antonio, Portland, and Utah have teams that can win a title. The east has Boston, Orlando, and Cleveland. Philadelphia could be good if everyone stays healthy. I cant wait to see how it all plays out this year. Last years finals was interesting but we all knew that if Kobe Bryant wanted to win they would win. The Celtics did not have Garnet but he is back and with Rasheed as his backup, they are scary good. They want to prove to the world that they are for real and that last year was not the real Celtics.
Monday, October 26, 2009
here we go again....
Every season before the NFL starts, I Hear ESPN, CBS, and Fox announcers talk about how much they hate pre-season and how the players hate it too. Each year i hear it loud and clear and clamor for one of the jobs in broadcasting so i could do the jobs that they do not want to do. Then we hear about quarterback battles, holdouts, players trying to comeback from injuries. I ask myself why don't these announcers and players shut-up get their work in and be ready for a rough and tough season. Since 1972 no team has gone all 19 games undefeated. The 1972 Dolphins pop open a bottle champagne after the last unbeaten team goes down and for 26 years they have had a reason to this. The New England Patriots was a Super Bowl victory away from equaling the feat. Some say bettering the fete since they won more games.
I keep hearing that this season is by far the worse in the history of the league. We have 3 teams that definitely are on pace to lose every game. We have 3 teams that may only win 1 game and we are on pace to have more teams with losing records in one season in the history of the NFL. Tampa Bay and St.Louis once played each other in the NFC Championship game and they both have no wins. Tennessee had the best record in football a year ago and hasn't won a game yet. Cleveland's only win was a 6-3 barn burner over the Buffalo Bills. Their Quarterback Derek Andersen completed 2 passes in the game and the still won. Detroit is playing in the toughest division in the NFC and guess what they have to play Cleveland which could be a disaster. The Carolina Panthers, Oakland Raiders, and the Washington Redskins somehow have 2 wins. The Kansas City Chiefs have 1 win and now have turmoil on its team with players calling coaches "fags".
Friday, October 23, 2009
i love the cliche's we get from sports..
I love the cliche's we get from sports. "Defense wins championships". "ya gotta be a horse to pull the wagon"., "Play like champions today". " I wanna thank god for ..." What the hell is a "barn burner?" I thought that if your barn is burned, isn't your "goose cooked"? When a team gets "taken behind the woodshed" does that mean they are getting a "whuppin"? If "defense wins Championships how come there are only I believe 7 super bowl M.V.P.'s out of 43 games? Why is the quarterback the highest paid player usually on most teams.
The baseball all-star game this year gave the M.V.P. award to Carl Crawford for his outstanding catch to preserve the game for the American League. I remember watching a NHL all-star game once and I think Brodeur got the M.V.P. because he didn't allow a goal in his period of playing. Very rarely do the players who excel on defense get rewarded singularly for their excellence. When the Patriots defeated the Rams in the Super Bowl, I thought they would give the award to a defensive player but they didn't. I will the defense quote alone and move on to other fun ones.
In golf they say "you drive for show and putt for dough". So Hank Kuene, J.B. Holmes and John Daly can drive the ball to another planet but cannot putt to save their lives. When Tiger came on tour everyone seemed in awe that he could dive the ball so straight and hit his irons pretty far too. When he putted well he won. Phil Mickelson hits ball pretty far too but he is famous for shanking shots at the wrong time. He can putt like crazy but has moments that just defy logic. Some more quotes, "if you have two quarterbacks, you don't have one"!!!! I love this quote because every team needs more than one quarterback to be successful. You never know when you are going get that season ending injury. Ask the Patriots, Bengals, Eagles just to name a few.
Who is Nellie? The coach from the Golden State Warriors? Keith Jackson used to say "Whoa Nellie" whenever someone did something that was outstanding and when something was pretty stupid. He loved talking about farm life as well. I embellish one his quotes," He is as happy as a pig rollin' around in bucket full of dookey on a saturday afternoon in Arkansas!!" I miss Keith Jackson on the telecasts these days. He should be allowed to do one game a year.
What is a "holy cow"? Phil Rizzuto called people 'Huckleberries'. Do people really get their "ankles broken" playing basketball. If you having a "maalox moment " then you need to be on the toilet. Chick Hearn equated a certain victory with the jello jiggling and eggs cooling in the refrigerator. So many quotes, so many memories ..
In golf they say "you drive for show and putt for dough". So Hank Kuene, J.B. Holmes and John Daly can drive the ball to another planet but cannot putt to save their lives. When Tiger came on tour everyone seemed in awe that he could dive the ball so straight and hit his irons pretty far too. When he putted well he won. Phil Mickelson hits ball pretty far too but he is famous for shanking shots at the wrong time. He can putt like crazy but has moments that just defy logic. Some more quotes, "if you have two quarterbacks, you don't have one"!!!! I love this quote because every team needs more than one quarterback to be successful. You never know when you are going get that season ending injury. Ask the Patriots, Bengals, Eagles just to name a few.
What is a "holy cow"? Phil Rizzuto called people 'Huckleberries'. Do people really get their "ankles broken" playing basketball. If you having a "maalox moment " then you need to be on the toilet. Chick Hearn equated a certain victory with the jello jiggling and eggs cooling in the refrigerator. So many quotes, so many memories ..
Thursday, October 22, 2009
where the black people at?
When you turn on any sporting event these days do you ever see black faces in the crowd? The NBA has its celebrities in the front row and some of them are black. Spike Lee is at most Knick home games. Will Smith will be at 76er games. Denzell is a Laker fan, Nelly owns a piece of the Cavaliers and he is at games involving good teams
When the NBA instituted this rule that mandated that its players dress business casual I immediately thought that is was a slap at cultural diversity. When i heard that basically David Stern wanted to send a message to the fans of the league that this is business, I laughed my head off. Then i realized that he had a point. He felt that these people are basically paying the salaries of these players and they wanted to see a millionaire basketball dress like he took his wealth seriously.
So where are the black people? I tell you where we are. We are at home watching the games. You know why? Who represents us? In baseball, the decline of the black players is rapid and steady. In the 70's and 80's most teams had at least 35-40 percent blacks on them. It seemed that each team had an up and coming player or the next "Willie Mays" type player
So until all of the sports realize that I have money too, I will stay home with the rest of my brethren and get fat and watch the games on my 52 inch television.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
east coast bias??? what is that?
What I love most about being out here on the West Coast is listening to the bitterness people have about the east coast in sports. Can we help it? All of the major sports teams that matter most are located on the east coast. The NBA sucks if the Celtics aren't good. The Major League Baseball sucks if the Yankees or Red Sox stink in baseball. Even if the Mets suck baseball sucks for me. In football, when the Giants matter, the NFL is better. Despite what all of the Cowboy and Patriot fans think. In hockey, the 1994 playoff run by the Rangers put hockey on the map in this country. Detroit may win every year, but I guarantee you that if the Rangers win the cup this season, ESPN will buy the hockey package back because it will be devastated that it allowed their championship run go uncovered. The Lakers and the USC Trojans are the only show out here.
I guess the lesson here is win championships or have the media centers in the country located on your neck of the woods and then you can dictate to the world what you want. The fact that A-rod is delivering really shuts up people all over he country. When Mark Sanchez was winning for the Jets, he was the second coming of Joe Namath. In fact CBS out here has aired every New York Jet game this season.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
when do you blame a coach or manager for a loss?
As I listen and read all of the rhetoric emanating from last nights loss by the Yankees, I ask myself if the people who write newspapers or talk on talk shows really believe what they say and write? Joe Girardi made a few too many moves yesterday according to most pundents around the country yesterday and he actually cost his team the game. I blogged weeks ago about the Joe Torre school of managing games late. Joe G. is a disciple of Joe Torre and some say that his style last night was more like Tony LaRussa because of the notebook preparation he had on all of the hitters on the Angels. In my opinion regardless of whose style it was the pitcher should have been able to retire a .211 hitter and send the game to the 12Th inning and beyond. I never blame a baseball manger for a loss. Unlike basketball and football, so many less elements are involved in a baseball game than in the other sports. Girardi went to talk to Andy Petite and on the next pitch he gave up a home run. To me that is fate. Now taking a pitcher out who was having success and bringing one in playing the percentages is again fate. Can a manager over manage a situation? Yes. They usually have their reasons for doing what the did. I will explain.
Monday, October 19, 2009
who knew...
Every Saturday and Sunday i am glued to the television watching as much football as i can. I think I know as much as the guys and gals who are getting paid to do what they do and i am often asking myself, "who Knew"? Let me give you an example, Who knew that Jay Cutler would be a franchise quarterback based on his college career? Vanderbilt won like 10 games in his entire career there and somehow that got him to be a 1st round draft pick. I watched him play twice his last year at college and he threw as many interceptions as completions in a the games. Yet he is a multi-million dollar quarterback and he has developed into a star. Some of my favorite who knew people are Ryan Leaf, Emmit Smith, Eli Manning, Steve Emtman, Jerry Rice and of course Lawrence Taylor. All of these for different reasons. Leaf and Emtmann for the short careers that they had. Rice, Smith and Taylor for really not having amazing college resumes and becoming the greatest layers of their positions of all time. Eli for winning a Super Bowl so early in his career showing ability that i never saw in college.
I can give several examples of players who were nobody in college and somehow someway are stars in the pros. Tom Brady was a 6th round pick by the Patriots and has 3 rings on his finger.The number 1 draft pick that year was Courtney Brown...
What has had gotten me on this rant is everyday I keep hearing about the upcoming draft and where these future stars are going to end up. When i see guys like Tony Romo, Joe Flacco, Ryan Fitzpatrick leading NFL teams it makes me wonder about where do these scouts find the talent. It seems like it is bad to play on a winning college team. Matt Leinart was a god in college and so was Vince Young. They are now cheerleaders. Drew Brees and Kyle Orton were great in college but did not have any signature wins. Some one please explain the formula to me.... Peyton Manning is an aberration. Brett Favre had one great win over Florida St. Now he is the statistical greatest quarter back of all time. Matt Ryan was good in college... is he the next star... who knew..
Whose life is it..

I remember during my 20 years stint at UMASS- AMHERST watching the a college game and I cant remember if it was a senior bowl or the annual Ohio St. and Michigan tilt, watching the safety from Michigan Vada Murray get injured in the game when Michigan had the game in hand. I remember Bob Griese talking about how it would be tragic if the young man's career is over thus costing him a chance to make millions. He never played in the NFL and to my knowledge he never played in Canada either.
When Shaquille Oneal was at LSU, his coach Dale Brown told Shaq

Bob Stoops,
Dale brown,
Sam bradford,
shaquille oneal,
vada murray
Friday, October 16, 2009
get that monkey off my back
When I hear a broadcaster say a player has to get that monkey of his back, I think about all of the great athletes, men and women who absolutely hate that expression. When Steve Young won the Super Bowl in 1994 and NFL Films captures him saying "will somebody get this monkey off my back", and Gary Plummer obliged him, I actually got a bit emotional. He had a great career but he will never replace Joe Montana in the hearts and minds of the 49ers.
As the postseason advances, we will hear until our ears about A-rod has a huge monkey on his back. Even if he gets big hits in games, if the Yankees do not win the World Series the monkey will stay on A-Rod's back.
There are others who are in his category. Dinara Safina was the number 1 player in women's until last week. She is a constant figure in the finals and
It must be so painful to see young players come into a sport and win either right away or within a couple of years. Eli Manning and Big Ben winning rings in the early days of their career. Tiger Woods, Venus and Serena Williams, winning majors early in your career. Derek Jeter and Ryan Howard in baseball must make A-Rod go crazy. Ryan Howard is a freak. He continues to do well in the post season for the Phillies.
My advice is just win baby and be like Albert Pujols. His postseason numbers are quite pedestrian but he has a ring and no one can take that away from him. A better example may be Chris Moneymaker in poker. He wins the main event and hasn't come close since to winning anything since. All of the big name guys tease him but he just puts his ring in their face and that usually shuts them all up. So good luck to A-Rod, T-mac, Sergio, Dinara, and Dale Jr. we will keep watching. Phil Ivey your day will come too.....
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