Here is a scenario: You and a friend go to a nightclub.

You tell the bouncer at the club that you are strapped and he says okay. He lets you in. You are sitting at a table with one of your friends. You are eying all of the honeys in the joint. a waitress comes up to you and asks if you want a drink, you decline and then a promoter or manager comes up to you and says "can I take you up to the V.I.P room?" You look at your buddy and say why not? You start walking up the stairs to the room and you feel your gun sliding down your leg and you try to stop it from falling to the floor and you blindly grab the trigger by mistake and the gun discharges. The bullet strikes you in the leg. You tell your friend that you shot yourself in the leg. He laugh and says no way. You show him that you are bleeding on your sneakers. You tell the person that is taking you to the V.I.P room that you change your mind and that you have to go. YOu and your friend leav and head to the hospital. While you at the hospital you give a fake name because you do not want this to turn into a big deal. You get treated. Your friend takes your gun and takes you home. You both cant believe that has happened and you know that you have to tell the someone what has happened because your employer is going to kill you for this. You tell them what happened. They are mad at you but happy that you are alive and that no one else got hurt. They have to tell others that you were hurt and how you were hurt. Now you are in jail. You are in jail because the gun you used was not registered in a different state that it is registered in. You are reckless and have endangered the lives of the people that were in the club. Even though no one at the club knew that you had a gun except security. You decide to have your day in court instead of taking a plea because you believe that what you did was justified and believe that going to jail for any time is ridiculous because no one got hurt but you, you have lost a 35 million dollar contract, and the only reason anyone knew of what happened is your employer told the world. You felt that if you explained that your co-worker just got robbed by a limousine driver and that there has been a string of attacks against people in our profession or people with your wealth. You are in Jail now for 20 months.
I live in Hollywood,Ca. I live right outside of a few areas where gang violence happens daily. I worked as a bouncer here in L.a. for 11 years. What happened to Plaxico Burress really offends me. When Paris Hilton was arrested for one of her multiple D.U.I's, people in this town applauded the judge for making her accountable for her reckless endangerment. Then just

before she went to jail, people everywhere was tying to support her. She appeared at the M.T.V awards and was resigned to go to jail because she knew she was wrong. She served 2 weeks and was released because she apparently was breaking down and some people in the community felt that she had learned her lesson and sent her home. I have seen and read about several entertainers who have committed similar and worse crimes and have spent no time in jail. Are laws in New York tougher than laws out here? 20 months in jail for committing a crime that no one would have known about or cared about if he wasn't a famous person. I wrote a blog a while ago that talked about steroids and how if you well liked no one will attack you on the topic. v

Plaxico was a huge thorn in the side of the Giants. He had been reprimanded over 45 times for several incidents. One of my favorite sayings is " when you create Frankenstein, eventually he is going to terrorize the city". Plaxico caught the game winning ball in the super bowl for the Giants and maybe he felt like he was Teflon. But i guess he acted more like Frankenstein. His teammates love him. How much more does he has to suffer for committing a "crime" that no one even knew about. I thought you could incriminate yourself in court. This is not a race thing either.. This is just worst example of jurisprudence I have ever seen.
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