Traditionally New years day around the world is January 1st. I am born January 3rd, so in years past my New years celebration didn't end on the 1st, it went to the 3rd and beyond. So because of my love of sports, New years day for me is September 1st.

The leaves are changing, the smell of fireplaces burning around town put me in a mental place that i cannot describe. The baseball pennant races are heating up. The pro and college football season is just getting underway. The U.S open tennis tournament is winding down. Hockey and basketball camps and seasons are opening. The Golf season is winding down with either the President Cup or Ryder Cup matches. There is usually a prize fight that i want to see.

The beauty of living on the west coast is you can start your weekend at 9am and watch 12 hrs of sports and still be able to gout on a Saturday night. Of course before i was married and with child i would get up and do this and the n go to work and talk about what i had seen that day. I would do it again on the next day. The bonus of having a baby now is she gets up that early so I can let mommy sleep while we play and watch college football or what is on television. And that is just September.

October opens up with the breeders cup in horse racing, rivalry weekend in college football. Notre dame and USC, Oklahoma and Texas, LSU and Florida just to name a few. The playoffs and world series happen in this month and yes there is usually another prize fight. The NBA starts usually on Halloween and Hockey and the NFL are in full swing. My poor wife huh? October also is the month when the BCS is announced and the debate about who should be playing in the national championship game starts.

Then "midnight madness" starts where teams dreaming of cutting the nets down in college basketball happens in the second week.

Dickie V baby!!! Awesome with a Capital "A"!!! My three "S" man. Super, Scintillating and Spectacular. I forget all of my problems in these two super months only to be reminded of them in November. Now the only problem with October is i hate Halloween. Dodging eggs and shaving cream as a child, bags of candy being stolen, plus when i was a bouncer, working some of these parties out here just make me hate the date. I hope with having a child i can begin to heal on this date but we shall see.
November is reality month. The games are really meaningful in football in both college and pro.

There is usually a huge prize fight. Baseball is over, although recently the world series was played in November. Hockey, College basketball has pre-season tournaments that some may say sets the tone for the entire season.Turkey day is loaded with sports and food and fun. So why is it such a downer? The weather gets crappy. It only rains in California in three months. November, January, and February. When it rains out here it is the lead story on the news. The amount of crashes and mudslides that happen are crazy. There are not as many games on to distract me from my fun life. My wife can finally get me to do the tasks that i have been holding off till a later date.
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