Before the invention of the satellite dish I never knew what a "homer" meant. A "homer" could be short for a home run in baseball but today I am using the colloquial meaning of the word. A "homer" is someone who roots for his/her team so blindly and blatantly that it makes you nauseated just listening to them. The interesting part of the is rant to me is how every city has a "homer" but New York. When you listen to the White Sox announcer Ken Harrelson he does not hide who he roots for. He refers to the opposing team as the bad guys and the White Sox as the good guys. He is complimentary to opponents which allows me to listen to him but he does not do the same home run call for visiting players. He may say the same phrase every once in a while but he will not do it with any enthusiasm. It actually sounds like he is at a funeral if the White Sox lose. Contrast that with Gary Cohen who is the voice of the Mets and he seems to give the opponent and Met player the same courtesy. So does Micheal Kay from the Yankees. They speak glowingly of the opponents and don't have a problem interviewing them before or after the games. If you listen to a Red Sox, Patriot, or Celtic announcer you not only hear their passion for their teams but you all feel the pain when something does not go right.
There is nothing wrong with a "homer". I think that if you bleed a certain color then bleed it baby. What I don't like are people who are fans of teams from several different states in different sports. For example. Half of my friends are Dallas Cowboy fans, but like the Lakers in basketball and the Yankees in baseball. I have a friend here in L.A. who is a Cowboy fan, Yankee and Celtic fan. What the heck is that? How can you be a fan of Yankees and Celtics? Now I know why half the country is Cowboy fans. They have been forced down our throats since 1974 and the Thanksgiving Day Games and they were always on television when I was a kid. The Raiders were on a lot too, but the style they played forced them off of the mainstream t.v. Detroit is always on Thanksgiving day too but since they haven't been consistently good, very few fans outside of Michigan care.
I wish more coaches would come out and say that their program is the best in the world and if you don't like it tough. I would love for Pete Carroll or Urban Meyer to stand at the podium and say we are better than you and we expect to be playing for it all at the end. I am still waiting for Mack Brown to say "don't mess with Texas". I will wet my pants if he does it. By the way the worse "homer" fans in the world are from the lovely state of Massachusetts. They will literally fight you over their teams. It does not matter what sport either. They know everything about their players. Remember that movie Celtic Pride? that was no embellishment... I have never seen anything like them.
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