As the sports world continues to evolve into more and more a business than a game, where do we fit in as fans. We have a right to scream, yell, boo, curse, moon, drink, eat and sleep sports as most of us do. We have an expectation that the product displayed out in front of us represents what we represent in our daily life. Meaning that we have a job to do so do it and go home and next time you are out there on the field do it again. Play hard and have fun they tell the players. Usually when I go to a sporting event I play hard and I have fun too. love the people who make the experience a true full all out experience. Tailgating, face painting, are cool and when done in "moderation" can be very cool. I am sure that we all have stories of traveling with friends to a game and getting festive before the game and all of the drama that ensues is stuff of legend and in some cases stuff that gets you fired.
Now I root for three teams that are tough to figure out but great to support when they are good. The New York Mets, New York Giants and the New York Knicks are my favorite sports teams. The Mets just had the worst season they have had in about 10 years. The Knicks havent been good since Patrick Ewing retired, the Giants however won the super bowl two years ago and if Plaxico doesn't shoot himself last year, they probably would have won another one. When I watch the Giants play lately I wonder do they believe in what they are doing. I scream at Tom Coughlin and Kevin Gilbride because of their predictable play calling. I scream at Eli because I am sick of him trying to emulate his brother. I don't care who the "mike" is or why before they snap the ball he screams out" Omaha", just execute the play and get on to the next one. when the Giants were winning I guess I thought that they were geniuses. Now that they are struggling I hate watching them. As a fan I feel compelled to let them know that i am not pleased and someone better do something about it. I heard today that Chief fans are begging the organization to get rid of Larry Johnson so that he cant break a team record. I find that taking the fan stuff too far. When Larry Johnson was atop three running back in the league I am sure that the fans supported him like crazy. So I guess you got to take the good with the bad and hope to get good again. The Owners of the Browns and Redskins today came out to speak to the fans and ask them to be patient and support us no matter what. I find that funny since the owner of the Redskins banned signs that spoke negatively of the team. You cant tell a fan how to be a fan. I feel for him only because, he has spent boat loads of money and the players he brings in just simply stinks or are too old that they cant play as well anymore. Do I think that the Mara family is going to apologize to me for the way that the Giants have played lately? No. They should though.
The funniest is Omar Minaya of the Mets. I joined a Mets site to keep up to date with the team and he writes letters all of the time. Maybe he should write less and put a product of players out there that represent what a New York sports fan expects. The Yankees see a need and fill it. No questions asked, No guilt involved!! The Mets are a Mess. The Knicks and the Mets have the same problems. Messy organizations trying to catch lightning in a bottle. The Knicks think that next year they are going to attract a major free agent and put the team back on the map again. Getting Lebron James, or Dwayne wade or even Amare Stoudamire may not guarantee us anything. But guess what? The great thing for both the Mets and Knicks is that the fans support the hell out of them.. Met fans still showed up in droves despite having a horrible season. The Knicks still draw at MSG like it was back in the Ewing days. We voice our opinions heartily and hope they hear us and do what we ask.
I remember one time I was at a Penn. State and Michigan football game and the fans were throwing snowballs onto the field. They hit a few of the players and i remember thinking what if the players actually saw the person throwing the snowball, what would he do? Just as I was about to let one go I got this feeling that someone was watching me so I ate the thing. I have a right to cheer, but not to throw anything onto the field. When I was a bouncer out here in Hollywood, I would constantly run into players at the clubs and talk their ears of about the games and the team. It is cool for a awhile, unless you can introduce them to a special lady the they are your guy for the night. I have been very lucky to talk to a lot of my favorites. Most athletes do care about the fans. They need us as much as we need them. When I hear that fans are criticizing young Matthew Stafford I laugh, but the fans have that right. He just needs to play better faster and they will be on his side again. Same with the Mets and Knicks.. Jut get it together and we will be there for you..
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