When I was a quarterback at ol' country day back in the day, I had three games in which My team had a fourth quarter comeback. I threw a touchdown pass to defeat Fordham Prep in the fourth quarter and we ran around the field like we were maniacs. Now I am not comparing my extensive football accomplishments with Brett Favre but how perfect a scenario was he given. He came back for one reason. He had the ball with under 3:00 to go in the game. How many times do we ask god for the perfect scenario or perfect result and we don't notice it when it is right in front of our faces? It is like that person believes that God is going to rescue him from a flood. He keeps refusing a lift from a helicopter, a ladder and a boat. He questions god and asks him why has he forsaken him. And god replies that he sent a boat, a ladder and a helicopter.. Brett Favre had Adrian Peterson, and a cast of receivers who could not lead him to the promise land. He had the ball in position to win the game and we will never understand what happened.
First and ten on the 33 and they run off tackle left for a loss. They just hit a big pass and had been afraid to run the ball because of all of the fumbling. If Peterson is the best running back in football why is he on the sidelines? It reminded me of Reggie Bush and why USC had him on the sideline and gave the ball to Lendale White. Taylor was the main guy before Peterson arrived there but Peterson could have broken one off for a game winning touchdown. He also could have fumbled too. The clock is running now. Second down, the whistle blows for too many men in the huddle. 5 yard penalty and now they are close to being out of field goal range. Instead of calling a timeout to re group third down happens and Brett Favre will never forget it for the rest of his life. When he has done inexplicable things in the playoffs before, the weather could be blamed or miscommunication. The Eagle game was crazy. Yes he threw a pick late in the game, but the Eagles had to complete a 4th and 26 to force that game to go to overtime. They did and won in overtime. The Giants defense was pretty tough on Favre that day a couple of years ago and he threw a ball that just floated on him and the Giants got it. Kicked a field goal and won the Super Bowl. Third down. they probably need about 5 yards to be in make able field goal range. He roll right and throws the ball across his body and he is intercepted. I could not believe it. Joe Buck the announcer lost his desire to call the game after that throw. If you listen to him after that play you think that he had a dime on the Vikings money line. The perfect ending to the best season in Favre illustrious career gone because of one play. God gave him his rope. He could have run, hell fallen down and they would have had a chance to kick the game winning field goal. The people of Green Bay had to die with that play too. No matter what anyone felt about Favre before this season, he proved that he is worthy of all of the coverage that he received this year. He is everyman. He has flaws. He has amazing skills. He is humble. He is Human. Retire Brett. You are the 7th greatest quarterback in the history of the game. ( Montana, Unitas, Brady, Marino, Elway, Peyton) Big Ben may pass you if he keeps winning super bowls. God only gives us what we can handle. Brett has endured pain killer addiction, the death of his father, and a cancer scare from his wife. Go in peace Brett...
New Orleans, you owe the country a victory. Finish what you have started. Your people deserve it.
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