what is going to be more compelling to follow over the next five years? Following the rivalry of Alex Ovechkin and Sidney Crosby, Lebron James and Carmelo Anthony, Joe Flacco and Matt Ryan,or Juan Del Portro and Rafael Nadal. We live in a world where we are captivated by rivalries. Whether it is Magic and Larry, Jack and Tom Watson, Montana and Marino, Ali and Frazier, as sports fans we tend to enjoy the game more when the games seem personal. Magic has confessed that he would look at the Box scores to see how Larry fared that evening. He confessed to disliking Larry Bird for years until they both got old and the game belonged to Micheal. These players wont say that they hate the other one but Crosby has admitted to disliking Ovechkin and Ovechkin does not care too much for Crosby either. They have squared off on occasion and Ovechkin is is little too tough for Sid the Kid. I enjoy their battles right now more than the others because each player comes to play and usually scores or does something that impacts the game. Crosby scored early last night but Ovechkin took over late. Hockey rivalries tend to be more personal because usually each team has a player that the goons are told to go after and to protect. I remember when Bill Romanowski spit in J.J. Stokes face. No on the 49ers defended Stokes. Most people did not see it happen until the replay but no line man or back had his back. If you breathe on Sidney Crosby, his teammates will kill you. Ovechkin's teammates love the fact that he is big enough to fight his battles but they will protect him too. Both of these players if they stay healthy are going to be great for hockey for years to come. Whether in the Olympics, World Cup, or in the NHL, these two athletes will shape the direction of the sport for the next 15 years. The big wish of course is to have one of them play on the west coast so that we can have Stanley cup match ups the same way as the N.B.A. had Bird and Magic. Last year they played in the Eastern Conference playoffs and Crosby's team stunned the Caps on their home ice en route to winning their first cup since Super Mario. With Olympic's approaching, I am sure that Canada and Russia can not wait to meet and settle this score on the ice. I can't wait...
Matt Ryan and Joe Flacco may have started something that the N.F.L. really wants to happen. The sport needs young stars and to have two Quarterbacks lead teams to the playoffs last year has made this rivalry interesting. Ryan and Flacco have not played against one another but they will attached by the hip for the next 10 years. Any time you take a team to the playoffs as a rookie that gets every one's attention. Now Ryan's second year he suffered injuries that limited his teams performance. Flacco made it back to the Playoffs and must think that this playoff thing is easy. Mark Sanchez this year is the only rookie quarterback to start a playoff game. He will be lumped together with Mathew Stafford forever. Stafford obviously needs to improve his team in order to be in this conversation. He will and he will be a star. Next year there are a ton of quarterbacks coming out but we will wait to discuss them next year. Flacco and Ryan will play each other in the near future so remember the game and be ready for the two to meet in the super bowl one day.
The two latin sensations have a lot of competition with Murray and Djokovic still pretty young. Federer says he is not retiring for at least another six years so winning is not going to be easy for any of them. Del Portro is a freak with a wicked forehand and can move like a cat. Nadal is a grinder who never gives up on a point and has the most wicked top spin in the game. Every player who plays Nadal says that it takes a set or two to get used to his slice and spin. Plus he chases down every ball that is hit. Both players are coming off of good years last year but DelPotro won the last major. Nadal was on pace last year to do something special but a knee injury and a shocking loss to Soderling ruined his year. Del Potro may be the best hard court player on the planet. He may have the patience on the red clay but he could be a nightmare on grass with his big serve and volley. He does have injuries too which could keep this rivalry more on paper than on the courts. Spain and Argentina should be excited though that it has two really solid players who will battle for years over the top spot in tennis.
Lebron and Melo like each other too much. They have been friends since high school and the only thing that either player is envious of about each other is that Carmelo has a NCAA title. Lebron will always make more money. Most people don't view Carmelo like they do Lebron. Carmelo is a better shooter but he can't defend like Lebron. He is not as spectacular as Lebron and where he plays now in Denver does not get as much ink as Cleveland. Carmelo is a 27 point 8 rebound guy who could 40 any night and make the Hall of fame and be happy type player. Lebron is a 27 point 8 rebound, 8 assist, 3 steals, 2 blocks and sell you a bag of popcorn type player. The league would absolutely go through the roof if the both ever played in a NBA final. The funny thing is that Dwayne Wade may have a better career than both of them. Next year wade will probably be a teammate of one them and then we shall see what happens then.
In short Crosby and Ovechkin is the rivalry that the world wants to see. We just need ESPN to get hockey back and then America will have a place to watch these men square off. Last night Kobe and Lebron played opposite the Ovechkin and Crosby match up and people are talking about both so that is not good for the NBA. The next meeting for the Crosby and Ovechkin duel is Super Bowl Sunday. Maybe Hockey is on to something...
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