I have to come to realize that if you like people, you cannot work in the media. You cannot like or be positive about anything. No one is ever sincere. No one tells the truth. No one is redeemable. No one is right. No one can make mistakes. I am sure that there are people in media who can find a way to hate Derek Jeter, Peyton Manning, Lebron James, Roger Federer. Hell, remember when Keri Strugg broke her foot winning the Olympics for this country and the flack that was caused because she was not in the team and that Bela had carried her and was showing her favoritism? Remember when Oksana Baiul won the gold and Nancy Kerrigan was being accused of showing bad sportsmanship and some of the criticism she took from that. Every one in the media is a critic and they find a way to create ways to hate you. Ever since I was child, for some crazy reason I have always had a stronger affinity for players who the public dislikes. I love Barry Bonds. I love Mike Tyson. I love Terrell Owens. I loved Reggie Jackson. I am becoming a big Alex Rodriguez fan. I hated the Eagles but I always root for Donovan McNabb. I am a big fan of Bernard Hopkins. Serena Williams, John McEnroe, Marty McSorley too. I had the pleasure of having a beer with Marty McSorley after he got banned from hockey after hitting Donald Brashere in the head with his stick. One of the nicest guys I have ever met. Dennis Rodman, one of the nicest people I have ever met.
So Tiger Woods puts out this commercial that everyone either hates or finds creepy. People are shocked today that he got a warm reception. I listened to the reaction of the media after he apologized for not be a person without flaw. Why do they want us to hate these people. Remember the woman on the soccer team that got caught playing a bit too aggressively in the soccer game. Everybody jumped on her for her actions. She should have been arrested. The reason they want you to hate them is each individual media thinks the world is their oyster and that if you don't like them, you don't belong in their oyster. Creating bad guys sells newspapers and keeps you watching. Why else Rush Limbaugh criticize Donovan McNabb or make statements about black quarterbacks when he is new to the sports genre. The media wants to keep reminding us that athletes make millions of dollars so that we can not aspire to be like them, no they want us to remind them that we are paying their salaries dammit and you better sign my piece of paper. To me that is silly. If the New York times paid 252 million dollars to their reporters for every story that they wrote, there would not be any negative stories to write about because they would be on a equal playing field as the athletes. I am tired of being told who I should love or hate. I will tell you all someone to hate. This woman in Florida gave her daughter drugs so she could go out is disgraceful to me. This poor 2 year old is now gone because mommy wanted to go an party. I don't want to hear that she needs compassion or mental health. She deserves to be stoned publicly. I am sorry but she actually has done something to be hated for. Why should we hate Tiger Woods? He did not cheat on me. I do not look to him or any athlete for my morality. Stop trying to make me hate him...
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