Every Monday, I have so much to write about and then I get to the computer and I lose what I want to say. I had this whole piece about why America loves Phil Mickelson and I just lost my train of thought. Phil is Joe Frazier. He is the people's champion. Is that a compliment? Joe Frazier was the guy who represented the little guy and when he beat Muhammad Ali his victory was supposed to make all of the little people feel great for one day. (or until the rematch).. Actually Joe Frazier then fought the big bad George Foreman and got knocked around and out after a couple of rounds. Then he and Ali had a rematch and Ali they both nearly killed each other before Frazier's corner threw in the towel. Phil is being portrayed as the family man. The man who would never cheat on his wife. He is being portrayed as the man who would take care of his sick wife and mom and take care of his kids. I remember when Brett Favre's wife had cancer and Brett shaved his head so she would not be bald alone. He became America's dad, brother and friend. I respected him more for doing that than being a football player. I respect Phil Mickelson for winning golf tournaments. If he had won a tournament while Tiger was away, everyone would have minimized his results and tried to take away his joy. He is the people's champion because he does so many bone headed things to lose tournaments and people pity him. I would hate to be called the people's champion if every one only roots for me because I have a "Tin Cup" moments. He is not the anti Tiger that world wants him to be. He loves Tiger and Tiger loves him. They buy each other lavish and fun gifts for each other on their birthdays. Their wives are friends. Phil knows that he could have had the career that Tiger has had had he not made so many mistakes at winning time. He has actually outplayed Tiger head to head in final groups lately.
My entire point of his blog was to say that I want the world to stop calling Phil the peoples champion because he did not cheat on his wife. Phil is a great player but he is only the people champion because he plays golf at times like he is one of us instead of way better than all of us. Joe Frazier was only called the people's champ because he did not speak out against the war like Ali did. I will root for both of them this season and hope that they will be paired together in a final round in a major and settle it on the course...
And today i hear that Mickelson may be a baby daddy.... when will it end
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