Wednesday, March 17, 2010

i am losing my edge..

I am losing my edge blogging these days because the sports world seems to have hit a lull. I know that there are stories galore out there but nothing has really grasped my attention. March is supposed to be filled with "madness" and I just don't see how this years tournament is going to have any magic moments. The Big East and Big 12 conference had the best teams playing this season and most people expect the champion to be from one of those conferences. Kentucky is the other team that people are picking to win it all but an early encounter with Texas could derail them.
In the women's game there appears to be limited obstacles to the Uconn march to greatness. They have won 73 games in a row and if the win the title they will be only 1o games away from tying U.C.L.A's mark of 88 straight games. They may have to play Tennessee in the national semi-finals but if they are clicking on all cylinders they will be tough to beat.
Did you see in spring training the other day that Cliff Lee threw at a player and now he is suspended for 5 games!!! Barry Zito hit Prince Fielder and it was swept under the rug but everyone knows that it was retribution for the great celebration from last year when Fielder and the Brewers walked off against the Giants. Lee was getting rocked so he did it out of frustration. He is going to struggle I think this year. Seattle has a good team and if he has any kind of season they may overtake the Angels. (baseball preview coming soon)
Tiger is coming back at the Masters and I have to tell you I am a bit surprised. I thought he would play Bayhill first and get a round in in competition. Maybe he feels that since he has played the Masters so many times the course changes won't affect his game. We shall see and I hope that he, Ernie, and Geoff Ogilvy are in a group together and they get into a brawl. Jesper Parnevik sucks so he won't be a factor.
Derek Anderson signed today with the Cardinals. I hope he does well and that the Browns and Cards meet so they can boo him. Matt Leinart better be ready to fight for his job. Speaking of the N.F.L. some of these off season moves are quite comical to me. The Bears need a receiver and they think that they can get him in the draft. T.O. may be past his prime, but he is still a threat and they should sign him. The Bengals took Antonio Bryant over Owens. No wonder why they lost to the Jets in the first round. Speaking of the Jets, they get rid of Thomas Jones and bring in L.T. They are the same type of back. The Redskins signed Larry Johnson I think because they are paranoid about the health of Clinton Portis. Mike Shanahan had Portis in Denver and traded him after a 1500 yard season. The Giants signed Antrel Rolle. He was a stud in college and I think he has underachieved since being in the league. We needed defensive back help so he could be a blessing in disguise. I am interested in seeing what unfolds with other contending teams. The draft has a lot of talented players coming out and i hope the my team signs someone who can impact the team right away.
I got to say that I wish this was 10 years ago. I had lost about 50 pounds and had game to back up what i say to people. My team is so talented and lack confidence. They don't play with a chip on their shoulder like they should. No one believes in them. I know this school is not a sports oriented school, but for no seniors to come out for the team says a lot. I respect that these young men aspire to be something in life, but one should never take the field or court unless you believe that you are going to succeed. In all my of years of working with kids, i have never heard a kid say what one of my kids said after we won 16-5. He was asked why his parents were not at the game, and he said that he thought that we were going to lose. I was needless to say hurt and disturbed. Now that game 2 is approaching we have not practiced well at all. We need to win and maybe that will make them feel that they can win. I hope so...

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