Monday, March 22, 2010

i usually pride myself on being right

I usually pride myself on being the smartest guy in the room when it comes to sports. I speak with such conviction and confidence and I am usually pretty persuasive. After watching the NCAA tournament games this weekend I find myself keeping very quiet because i cannot comprehend what happened. How does Georgetown lose to Ohio. Kansas and Villanova lose their games to lesser opponents respectively. How does Xavier every year beat a team that they have no business matching up with. I picked Cornell go to the Sweet 16 and get beaten by Kentucky. I have Kentucky winning the entire thing so I am okay there. Why do upsets happen? Is it pressure? Is it lack of preparation? Is it that these kids are 18-21 and make mistakes that no one can understand? I think that the answer is pressure. I try to explain to my players that sports is more mental than physical. That kid in the Northern Iowa-Kansas game took that 3 point shot and everyone in America but him was screaming what the he..... and when he made everyone said, what a great shot!! In the Villanova loss, the kid banked in a 3 with under a minute to go and created the margin for victory. Belief is stronger than ability. My high school had smallish players playing football but they had heart and belief that they could block anyone big or take down anyone larger than they were. One of the big reasons why we succeeded was a great quote by one of our coaches when he said that it wasn't the size of the dog in the fight but it was fight inside of the dog that won the fight. In other words the one who wants it more will always win. You got to make plays, make shots and when the ball leaves your hand, you got to believe that it is going in. Dan Patrick asked Reggie Miller today whether or not he would rather be known as a scorer or a shooter. He said shooter because he knew that if he missed a shot, the next one was going in. I agree. I would rather be known as a shooter because I would know that that every time I got the ball, I know that if i can get a shot off, I am going to make it. When those kids hit those 3 point daggers this weekend, that is why they shot the ball. They believed that they were going to make that shot. Belief is a Mother...shut your mouth..
So as the journey to find a champion goes the team with the most pressure on them has to be the UConn women's team. They have won 73 games in a row and looked awesome yesterday. Remember belief is a mother... shut your mouth...

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