I could toot my own horn but I actually did not play yesterday. I did not call a play or drop a key pass. I was actually surprised that the Saints won. I thought the would win but I did not think they way the game was going that the Saints were playing smart. I thought the Saints were lifeless in the first half. They dropped passes and they did not seem to have energy or emotion. Then the on-sides kick re- energized the team and the rest is history. I thought that Peyton Manning was brilliant. He got let down by his receivers in the second quarter and they went over an hour without the ball. They were running the ball well and gave the Saints life when they went three and out just before the half after they just stopped the Saints on the goal line. The game just fell apart for the Colts after that. They did have one great drive after halftime.
This game does not affect Manning's legacy either. He did not lay an egg. He threw for over 300 yards. He had one turnover and did not try to make a tackle on an interception. The Colts defense could not get off the field. Freeney had one sack and looked great in the first half, but the second half, Brees had all day to survey the field and the three headed running back crew of the Saints chewed up clock.. Manning is still an all-timer and with the game being played in Indianapolis in 2012 he will be expected to be there and win then. I find it funny that people today are saying that Manning is 9-9 in the post season and he is not in the same class as Montana, Elway, Brady, Bradshaw. Manning is going to have every record known to man when he is done. Manning will have more chances to win more titles as his owner is committed to making him the richest player ever to play in the league. He deserves it and I hope that next year they address the defense in the draft. Bob Sanders will be back and they will have one mission.
As far as Bress is concerned is he ready to be in the discussion of great qb's? The emphatic answer is yes!! He is going to have a chance to play in the Super Bowl for the next 5 years. The NFC is good but lets face facts. Romo, Mcnabb, Eli, Aaron Rodgers, Matt Ryan, and maybe Favre as competition. The NFC west does not have a real contending team now that Warner has retired. The Saints play 10 games a year in either great weather or domes!!! The only way they don't win is if Brees gets hurt or players start defecting to other teams. Next year the pressure is on Dallas to play in their stadium that is hosting the Super Bowl. Brees is from Texas and would love to play in that game more than anything. So would Romo. The Saints are very young and probably need to address their defense too. Brees will get better and the offense will become more diverse as time goes on. I am rooting for them and hope that the city of New Orleans gets the financial boom that they need.
As far as the other parts of the Super Bowl I was not impressed with the Who. Why did we not have Gloria Estefan or Jon Secada perform? When the Colts and Dolphins played earlier this year on Monday night, they did a Latin themed night and Hank William sang the theme song in Spanish. I know that the Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake fiasco has the NFL afraid to put pop stars on stage but the old non American acts need to stop. In Dallas next year they will have country i am certain of that. They may even have some Mariachi play too. I look forward to that. The commercials I thought were very very sexist and stupid. I thought Doritos was funny but I agree with Jim Rome when he said that companies paid 3 million dollars to put Megan Fox, Danica Patrick, Kim Kardashian in nude scenes and Go Daddy.com should just make a porno. I thought that the e-trade commercial was funny but the dove commercials were stupid. Bud Light commercials were stupid and even the coke commercials were foolish. I need 3million dollars if a company wants to throw away money. Sex sells we all know but the Super Bowl does not need to attract more of audience. They had 105 million viewers and if the people were not all partying on Burbon street, they may have had more. I enjoyed my ribs and had great company but I was disappointed in the ads.
Now on to more topics in 2010. My wife is happy the season is over and I look forward to baseball season as well as the rest of the NBA and college basketball season. This week I have great topics to blog on so until then... and oh if i helped you win some money this weekend my address is ....
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