Remember when the NBA all star weekend was spectacular? Jordan, Magic, Dominique, Larry Legend, Dr. J? Today's players may be more athletic but if they played these legends in a game in their primes, It would not be close. Today's stars are great but everyone says that the NBA is garbage. I love Lebron, Kobe, D-Wade, Carmelo. I wish that they partook in the events other than the skills competition. They should sell the game the same way as Jordan, Bird and Dominique did. Magic may not have done any of the skills competitions, but he was everywhere. Shaquille Oneal needs to be there some how. He needs to have a microphone in his hands or coaching the Rookies or doing something for the league. TNT needs to have him in the booth or roving around with a a microphone. He is a class clown. Plus this is the last time he may be at an all star affair. He is from the Dallas area. This all star game Kobe is not playing. Neither is Iverson. So it is up to Dirk and Timmy to lead the West against Lebron. Good Luck!!
The Dunk contest used to be must see t.v. Do you realize that Jordan and Dominique did the contest 4 or 5 times. Vince Carter the greatest dunker of this generation only did it once. Kobe did it once. Lebron did it once. That is a joke. The players in the 80's and 90's did not get paid as much money as these guys did so that bonus check at the all star game came in handy. Jordan did not start getting paid until later in his career. Dominique was never really appreciated. He was the "human highlight film" and he in my opinion defeated Jordan in that epic dunking contest in Chicago. I watched it the other night and it was no contest. The power in which he dunked the ball is still unmatched. He did a lot of similar dunks and that cost him. Remember when Bird won the three point contest and did not take off his warm-up jacket? He told all of the players that the check already had his name on it. The NBA does have a great weekend of fun with the games and bringing back the legends. The celebrities show up all glamorous as ever. I just wish that the stars participated in the marquee events. They could learn something from the old guard.. .. I will watch
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