Monday, February 15, 2010

What a disastrous weekend...

I am the kind of person who gets up for everything. I get excited to watch Television shows, movies, sporting events, going to the park with my little angel. I make a big deal about everything. So when I have a weekend that has the Daytona 500, the NBA All star weekend and the start of the Winter Olympics, I am expecting a weekend of good eats, wrastling with my daughter and my wife wondering when can she get to watch her programs. It was over 75 on Sunday here and in the 70's on Saturday so I figured that she and my daughter would disappear like they do but they did not so we had a barbecue and was let down by what we saw.
First, the Winter Olympics needs to have its head examined. The IOC is bunch of old idiots who should be taken behind the wood shed and spanked for all of the things it has said this weekend. The show must go on. I understand that mentality, but blaming an athlete for a tragedy is lunacy. I know that Dick Ebersol gets criticized for putting his foot down for making sure events are on that is going to make money for NBC sports but the Luge is not one of those sports. That is another topic. If the athlete is the cause for his own death then why change the course? The Canadians allegedly did not allow any one other than their own people to practice on this track months ago and get a gauge for the speed then and now the world suffers. In fact the best Luger in the world had crashed the day earlier and warned that the track was too fast. We are now learning that other people had crashed too. For the committee to say it was his fault and then change the course shows you how gutless they are. Then for NBC and the Olympic committee to keep the event going now and not postpone it to later is a joke. Now the other Luger's are complaining that course is too short and to slow. The Georgian team deserves better than this and so does the memory of the Luger.
Did you see how angry Wayne Gretzky looked waiting to light the torch? How the portion of the of the indoor torch not lighting. A beautiful ceremony though. Then Canada beats Slovenia 16-0 in a game. They don't want Olympic women's ski jumping because not enough women do it and because "a woman's body cannot take the punishment of competing a sport like that".I think that if people can watch a 16-0 hockey game or a 12-1 hockey game i think that they would watch women ski jump even if they were 6 women doing it. The IOC is a joke!!! They are sexist and foolish. They take away women sports because they can't see progress. They are still living in the caveman period..
LET'S hope that things will get better. We will never forget how it has started...
Did the Daytona 500 end? How can you not re-pave a track every year that a race is held on it? I think I aged 10 years on Sunday. I was watching golf and 3 guys shot a 9 on the 14th hole at Pebble and I was like did i just see that? The I turn back to the race and they were waiting for a pothole to be fixed. This event is supposed to be the Super Bowl of the sport!!!! Can you imagine the Super Bowl being played and the field sinking in like a black hole during the game? Then Dale Earnhart jr. almost steals the race. I am baffled that they don't re-pave the course every year. I heard that used to race on the actual beach back in the 60's and 70's. Can you imagine driving in a circle and then the Atlantic ocean pops a hole through the course.. I better stop..
The NBA All Star game itself was entertaining and at least they played hard in the 4th quarter. Unlike the Pro bowl when they did not try at all, the players in this game gave us something to smile about. Seeing Chris Bosh play well made me happy because he is often forgotten in the 2005 draft class. Drawing 108,000 people to the game is awesome for the league. They need some positive news because they look like they are going to have a lockout next year. The reports that the owners tore up the proposal is scary and bold. The other events of the weekend were poor as well. Paul Pierce winning the 3-point championship is shocking. Nate Robinson winning 3 straight slam dunk titles is laughable. I have finally been convinced that the dunk contest is dead. The only way it works is if the best players participate. I think they should have it be the street legends versus the NBA players in that contest then you will see something. The Pros don't want to risk injury so I understand they won't participate. That is why I don't vote for none of this stuff.
All in All the weekend was a let down. I did see a great movie called "the Great Raid". It is about American p.o.w.'s in the Philippines during World War 2. Starring Ben Brat, Joesph Fiennes James Franco. A must see...

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