Friday, October 30, 2009

internationalization of my sports?

When i heard that the NFL is really getting serious about putting a team in a different country, I laughed. Why do we need to globalize a sport that few countries play and really don't need? It is one thing(and it really bothers me) when U2, Paul McCartney and the Rolling Stones play at halftime at our super bowl. I never understood that either but at least a large portion of the country are huge fans of the groups. I ask a lot of Brits about our game and most of them ask the question of why are they in pads, or what do certain penalties mean. They also say that people would support a team if one was there. I think at first it would be hated by everyone involved because jet lag is very real and preparations for the game would bother the coaches. Coach Bellichick seemed very upset when asked about the experience. When major league baseball went to Japan, a lot of players complained that it took them a while for their bodies to get back to a routine... If the NFL went to Mexico, i think it would be better than London. The travel would not so bad and there is a large percentage of fans in Mexico that loves pro football. The Dallas Cowboys have a huge following in Mexico. So do the Chargers and Cardinals. The Bills are going to play a few games in Toronto this year. I think that is a great idea because of travel is not too bad. (Seattle is pretty far for all teams too). Plus with the Canadian Football league helps give the NFL credibility. Maybe if there was players from other countries playing in the NFL I would probably not have such a problem with going to London. I think that there are 2 players from Australia in the league.
Now if the NBA wanted to go global, I would be in favor. There are several countries that have professional leagues and they have American players playing in them and the international teams are starting to kick our butt. The Toronto Raptors have an enormous following and I have been told that the night life up there rivals Miami, NYC, and Hollywood. I think that Spain, Germany, Russia, Greece have very competitive leagues. Basketball is a global sport. NFL football is not. Baseball is as global as basketball but again if MLB went global i would understand. I think that the All Star game should be USA versus the world...

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