Tuesday, October 27, 2009

is the NBA action FANtastic?

As a new season begins in the NBA, i ask myself is the NBA action FANtastic? Do I crave to run to the television, order the NBA League Pass and watch every NBA game as I once did as a youngster? My team the New York Knicks have not been good for years. I remember sitting in church way back in 1985 turning to my cousin Sam and saying that the Knicks got Ewing!!! He looked at me and said how do I know? I told him I had a funny feeling. When i got home and heard the news, I was ecstatic. Bernard King was my favorite Knick. He could score on anyone, anywhere and any time. I wonder what kind of career he would have had had he not been oft-injured. He was our star. When he got hurt and the Knicks kept bringing in all of these imposter's to try to create his magic. Kenny "Sky" Walker wasn't half the player Bernard King was. Ray Williams never met a shot he didn't like. Patrick Ewing was the star. He is the greatest Knick ever even though he didn't win a title. Willis Reed and Walt Frazier were great but Ewing played against better competition.. We will leave the discussion for another day..
At first I was going to write that i hate today's NBA. I think teams are filled with guys who cannot shoot, pass or do the basic NBA fundamentals. I blame Micheal Jordan for this. Everyone wants to be like Mike but should have realized that he is one in a million. Everyone thinks that if you can dunk a basketball you are a good player. They forgot that you have to be able to get to the rim first and second if you have a jump shot it is easier to drive to the basket because the defender has to guard you closer. Since the glorious 80's basketball scores have gone way down. When the San Antonio Spurs go To the NBA finals no one watches because the scores of the games are in the 70's. Last season, something happened. Teams were averaging 90 plus points a game and actually I believe that 7 teams averaged more than 100 points a game. The Phoenix Suns, Dallas Mavericks and Denver Nuggets play a style that encourages points to scored. Their influence is being felt league wide and now the Knicks are playing that style. Orlando and Cleveland score a boat load of points too. Lebron James is a blur on the wing.
This season should be the best season in the past 10 years. All of the great teams have made trades or signings to bolster their lineups and every game will matter. The west has 5 really sensational teams. Denver, Los Angeles, San Antonio, Portland, and Utah have teams that can win a title. The east has Boston, Orlando, and Cleveland. Philadelphia could be good if everyone stays healthy. I cant wait to see how it all plays out this year. Last years finals was interesting but we all knew that if Kobe Bryant wanted to win they would win. The Celtics did not have Garnet but he is back and with Rasheed as his backup, they are scary good. They want to prove to the world that they are for real and that last year was not the real Celtics. The Lakers are scary good this year. Ron Artest joining that team is unfair. If he stays out of trouble they won't lose many games. The Spurs are the trendy pick to unseat the Lakers. Adding Richard Jefferson gives them speed and athleticism that have not had in years. Denver has offense and when they are on they can score faster than a speeding bullet. Vince Carter is at home in Orlando. He has a ton to prove. He was great with New Jersey but last season he was heavily criticized for not giving a great effort on a nightly basis. Shaq's in Cleveland. Nuff said!!! The player I am most interested in seeing play this year is Kevin Durant. He is a scoring machine and as he continues to mature, he is slowly going to become must see T.V. for everyone. The Clippers drafted Blake Griffin and he can dunk like I haven't seen in years. But guess what, he is already hurt. The Clipper curse is live and well. I also am rooting hard for the big guy up in Portland this year. Greg Oden has all the tools to be a star and I hope that he is healthy enough to make a difference in the league this year. My finals prediction: Celtics and Lakers do it again.. I will wait and see what happens .. Then next year Lebron is becoming a Knick...

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