Sunday, October 4, 2009

Put A Dress on em!!!

When i played football in high school and my senior year I played quarterback.. We played Fieldston high school on opening day and i got absolutely rocked on a blindside hit. While i was laying on the ground, all i could think of was "what the hell happened to my blindside?"I dusted myself off and actually caught a touchdown pass later in the game. So when I watch college and professional quarterbacks play, i often wonder why don't the two governing bodies of college and pro football just say if you breathe near a quarterback, it is a penalty. or you are exiled out of the country. or you have to give up your firstborn!!!
I watched at least 7 games this weekend when a defensive player inadvertently touched a quarterback and cost his teams 15 yards for a personal foul. Terrell Suggs from the Baltimore ravens was pushed and stumbled by Tom Brady's knees and got a costly penalty for personal foul. He was pushed!!!! How do the officials make that call. I have seen quarterbacks get hurt on illegal unnecessary hits and wondered what the heck was the guy thinking about..
I remember Charles Martin body slamming Jim McMahon and putting him out of action for weeks. He should have been arrested for that hit. I saw Wilbert Marshall nearly kill Joe Ferguson of the Lions on a hit that i am sure still gives Ferguson nightmares to this date. Remember when Steve Pelleur got rocked by Mike Singletary? Then the league put in all kinds of rules. If the Quarterback leads with his feet to slide he can not be touched. You cannot touch the quarterback helmet or mask. You cannot launch yourself at the quarterback with you helmet first. And my favorite, you can not hit a quarterback if you require more than one step after he has thrown the football. oh wait there is one more, you can not use your weight to slam a quarterback down to the ground. It is football isn't it? My wife likes to say that in rugby, they don't wear pads so American footballers are wimps.When it comes to the quarterback, I agree. I know that they are usually the highest paid player ona team and they usually are the face of the league. But have you seen the size of some of them lately? Jamarcus Russell is 6'6 and 265 pounds. Ben Rothliesberger is 6'5 240lbs. Culpepper is 6'4 270.They are as big as lineman. When the great Steve Mcnair played he was 6'3 235. He took on all comers. I don't understand the protective rules. When Phil Simms played for the Giants, he was one of the strongest players on the team. Football has some really messed up rules. The ravens have every reason to be upset but the rule is the rule. Did you see that hit Tim Tebow took 2 weeks ago? I know all giant fans remember the hit Jim Burt did to Joe Montana. Today that would have been a personal foul. don't get me going about the tuck rule and all of the amendments that it has endured over the past three seasons.I can understand protecting your investments. Now Quarterbacks are retaliating. Mark Sanchez got a penalty for diving at a defensive players legs yesterday. Bret Favre got a penalty for doing the same thing in pre-season. These men are wearing pads aren't they? Tonight lets see how many protection flags are thrown to keep Brett Favre upright..

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