Thursday, December 17, 2009

Do we like our sports...

Do we like our sports with controversy or without? I am really torn on this topic because a very large part of me really does not care about an athlete does off the field unless it is a new training method or whether or not he or she has donated time, money or resources to help others. Today's news about Bengal Receiver Chris Henry is horrible to hear because three years ago so many people would have said that he was heading down this road. Whether he is a bad person or has just been in the wrong place at the wrong time doing the wrong things, I wonder what the public perception of him would be if we did not know the things we know about him. From all accounts of him this year, he was turning his life around. If you watched the HBO show "Hard Knocks" you got to see his kids and see him off the field in a different light. Controversy or not his kids are without a daddy a week before Christmas. Controversy or not this man had a broken arm and was out for the season and now a team mourns. A city mourns.. A family mourns. This is why I am torn on controversy.
We all have issues in our home. Whether small or large, no one is perfect so why do we care so much? Is it money? Do we all think that rich people live that much better than the rest of us? Dont they eat, shit, walk, run, laugh, cry the same we do? They may do it in a nicer home or nicer bedroom, but we all do the same things. This year we seem to be known as the infidelity nation. Jon and Kate, Steve Mcnair, Tiger, Rick Pitino, just to name a few. I cannot remember the name of this L.a. City Council guy who was overheard on camera bragging about his exploits a couple of months ago. I don't care about any of this crap. I watch my sports because I love sports. If a couple of players get into a fight after a game, I want to know about it. If a referee blows a call during a game and it costs a team a victory, I want to see it and debate the merits of it. I don't care that A-rod is dating Kate Hudson and all of sudden he is a great player in the post season because of her. She is not hitting, pitching, or fielding so i don't need to know this stuff. If they are taking drugs to make them better athletes, I want to know this information. I have read a lot of articles of steroids and I am interested in trying to understand how and why athletes would do these things. If Matt Leinart is out partying and getting drunk I don't care about that crap. He is of age to drink so more power to him. If a college or university is taken underage boys to strip clubs or setting them up with female companionship I dont care because every school does it. So it is not news. ASK ANY BOUNCER IN THIS COUNTRY AND HE CAN TELL YOU STORIES.. Floyd Mayweather said the other day on the Joe Buck show that he has won 1.3 million dollars betting Colt games this year. Not one report was written about him. Charles Barkely loses 400 large and the world is ready to kill him. WHO CARES!!! If I had 400 large to gamble and lost it I would be pissed but I am sure that if I had it I would have another 400 large to replace it!!!Why are we so damn nosy. 24hr new cycles have destroyed this country. CNN, FoxNews, Espn, have absolutely destroyed this country. The President is in Copenhagen trying to get a deal signed to get other countries to give more money in helping to slow down global warming. That is news.. If a player beats his wife that is news too. The tabloid stuff is just pure garbage. What tears me up is that despite saying all of what I said, I wont turn the tabloid crap off. I will not let it define what I think of certain people but if I hate an athlete then I am just like everyone else clamoring for more. When Micheal Irvin was going through his travails in the 90's I was like give me more... I am Pathetic...

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