Wednesday, January 6, 2010

i am going combine these two..

I am going to combine these two because they are about the same city. or District. First the good. Mike Shanahan was hired by the Washington Redskins. As a Giant fan I am scared because Shanahan has rings and can coach. This division now has four top notch coaches and competition in the division will be heated. If you asked me who I would root for other than the Giants in this division I would say Washington. The Redskins have always had a proud tradition of putting out quality football teams and memorable players. I really dislike Dallas and I really abhor Philly. The Redskins are a real mess though. They spend soooo much money every year and don win a thing. The defense is good but the offense needs help at quarterback position. He has weapons to throw to and if Clinton Portis can stay healthy they have players to do damage. Portis played for Shanahan so he is familiar with his system. The owner Daniel Snyder has tried every thing to get the Redskins back on track. The Redskins played in a super bowl in the 70's, 80's and 90's and were one of the elite organizations of that 30 year period. They have had some bad luck with draft picks and coaches who could not get it done. The Redskins are going to need time and I wish them well.
The other news is something that I cannot truly believe. I watched in horror as Gilbert Arenas last night did his pre game introduction mocking shooting a gun. I am stunned that a man that might forfeit his 111 million dollar salary would be poking fun at something that isn't funny. The team changed its name from the bullets to the wizards because the owner was embarrassed because his district was known for being the murder capitol of the world. I cannot believe that in lieu of what happened with Plaxico Burress that any professional athlete would even touch a gun. I heard that some one said that 75% of NBA player have or carry a gun does not disturb me because basketball players still hang out with their boys from back in the day and love to go to clubs. The difference between Baseball players and Basketball players is usually the baseball player has a game in the early afternoon and cannot stay out all night and party. Don't get me wrong, I know several that do but a NBA player does not usually have to report to the arena until later in the day. (I digress)..The point is NBA players tend to hangout in environments that may require them to need protection. So I understand why they have guns. I even understand Gilbert bringing his gun to the arena to store it away from his kids. Nothing more sad than hearing about kids who find their parents gun and accidentally kill someone or themselves. But for Gilbert taunting people in his blogs or making fun of the situation, I don't think we would be caring so much about the topic. He really thought that by telling the police and D.A. that it was over and a load off of his mind? To do what he did last night and his teammates doing it to was sickening. He will never play in the league again. He will probably go to jail and forfeit his contract because so many people are speaking out against him. Even Reverend Sharpton spoke out against Arenas and in turn Gilbert went off on him!!!! The absolute sad part about this is that there is not a person who does not like Gilbert Arenas. He is so funny, agreeable, approachable, articulate. I can not believe that this is happening to him. When he hurt his knee i felt horribly for him and his family. This guy was what the NBA is all about. He earned the right to have that kind of salary. He played his way into a big contract with his performances on the court. He is ruined.....and today is his birthday...

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