Monday, January 11, 2010

this weekend had everything

This weekend had everything!!! Blowouts!!! Shocking results!!! Shocking moves!!! And the Monday happens and Mark McGwire blows up the universe!!! Why do these guys wait ten years later or longer to come clean about what the public already knows? Pete rose lies for 14 years and then says "okay you got me" and acts like we are supposed to feel sorry for him. Does Mark think this is going to put him in the Hall of Fame or give him a better public profile? Neither things are going to happen. He was an average first baseman who hit home runs. His numbers are not so spectacular that makes him a Hall of Famer. In fact the year that he hit 70 home runs, he did not even win the M.V.P. award. Sammy Sosa did!!! He is going to be the hitting coach for the St. Louis Cardinals this season. He can teach hitting. He will have the ear of his players and respect of all ballplayers because he finally confessed. Big deal!!! Taking steroids does not make you a better baseball player or hitter period. I have already argued this so I will end this rant by saying, Mark McGwire was not a Hall of Fame player. He was never better than Frank Thomas or any of the other first baseman of his generation. Rafael Palmeiro who is unfortunately on the steroid list was a better player than Big Mac. So I wish him well in what ever he is trying accomplish with this admission. It changes nothing for me!!!
On a even crazier note, Can you believe what happened in Arizona Sunday? They say defense wins championships. Well yes a defensive play won the game for the Cards, but I have to say watching a track meet like that is bad for a person with a bad ticker.. I am not going slam the referees for missing a blatant face mask and getting caught up in the frenzy of the game, but I cant believe that I missed it all. My daughter turns 1 only once so I am sorry that I missed the madness. I am sorry that that I missed Aaron Rodgers showing me that he is ready for prime time and that Packers should stop getting grief for losing Brett Favre. Yes Rodgers had a chance to connect with Jennings for a game winning play and he over threw him.He is the future of the league and hopefully he will stay healthy. God save us if he ever went to play in a city with good weather all the time. He would re-write the record books like no one other. He has become my second favorite player in the game. Behind only the player that defeated him. Kurt Warner is the greatest post season player I have ever seen. Brady may have the rings. Manning, Montana, Bradshaw may have the historic records and accomplishments. Kurt Warner has to be the poster child for under achiever to over achiever. How does a guy go from being Brett Favre fourth string back-up to grocery bag man to Arena League stud to the best quarterback I have ever seen. He has 31 touchdown passes in 12 post season games!!!!! Let me say that again. He has 31 touchdown passes in 12 post season games. He is the worse nightmare for a team that blitzes him. He only had 4 incomplete passes yesterday. 29-33 is scary. He plays the Saints this Saturday and the game may have over 100 points this week. How do you stop them when he is on like this? I also read that he wants to retire after this season. Why? If he wins the Super Bowl with this team, he should go down as biggest savior since .... Jesus. He resurrected the Rams. He trained Eli Manning. If he did not have thumb problems he would have had a better stint with the Giants I believe. The Cardinals, like the Rams, were the laughing stock of the league for years. Hell decades.. Warner makes every team scared because we all know that if he is on, the only thing that will stop him is the end of the game. Brees vs. Warner Saturday I can't wait...
The next crazy thing is Pete Carroll. First of all if some offered me 7 million dollars a year to run a team that plays in a weak division and majority control over decisions for the team, I am on the first thing smoking tomorrow. He has been a legend at USC and he deserves the right to pursue other opportunities. Is USC under some scrutiny right now and this looks fishy that he is leaving right now? Yeah! But he did nothing wrong and if his players have done some things without his knowledge why is he to blame? The Joe McKnight thing is going to blow over. The Reggie Bush investigation is going to prove to be nothing. Because if it was something then somebody would have done something about it already. USC needs to hire a coach to keep the ball rolling there and I am sure that any impending sanctions isn't going to scare away any coach. This is a top flight job and whoever gets it will take all the good and blow away the bad. Seattle needs everything. He has some of his former players there and will probably draft a few more. This will be fun. He has an okay football record in the pros. Good luck Pete..

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