Wednesday, January 13, 2010


How many of you out there know what those four letters mean? I can assure that it is not the rock band. I can also assure you that it is something we all wish that we could do to our lives. The K.I.S.S. phrase means Keep It Simple Stupid. I like to say Keep It Simple Sucka but the other way will do for now. If we all understood how to apply that our lives, none of us would ever have any problems. As I watched the Jets, Ravens and Cowboys destroy their opponents last weekend they showed me how simple a game pro football can be. As a Giant fan and watching us win 3 super Bowls by keeping the game simple, I know that it can be done if you have the right formula. The key to all three teams victories last weekend was that they scored touchdowns by keeping it simple. So many times teams would run up and down the field on opponents but have to settle for field goals and then the opposing team would have Joe Montana throw an 80 yard touchdown pass to rice and they would lose. The Jets, Ravens and Cowboys scored on long touchdown runs and kept drives alive by running on their opponents defense no matter the down and distance. The funny thing is that Flacco and Sanchez threw fewer than 20 passes to win games on the road. Sanchez completed 12 out of 15 passes and should have had a 13th completion but Edwards dropped a touchdown pass. Flacco only completed 4 passes and threw for less than 100 yards. The Ravens really surprised me. The Patriots never lose at home in the Brady era and to be manhandled by the Ravens on defense is one thing but to allow their offense to run all over them that was pretty surprising. I knew the Jets would beat Cincinnati just because I felt that the Bengals seem to play a similar game to the Jets so the Jets just have better players. The Eagles can play with any team in the league except Dallas. Dallas is really clicking right now. Very scary team that has no fear of any team or style they play. Arizona can shoot it out with anyone.
As far as this weekend games are concerned, if the Jets, Ravens, and Cowboys can K.I.S.S. again, they all could come out victorious. The only problem is their opponents have all of the same components that they have. Minnesota, San Diego and Indy, can run and throw the ball very well. Minnesota has the games best back and the one of the toughest defenses to run on. The Chargers have L.T. and he is due to have a big playoff moment. Defensively, they are not as strong as the Jets so the Jets have to play 4 solid quarters to pull off this victory. The Colts have Addai and Brown and Peyton Manning. He just won the league M.V.P. so the Ravens are going to have to score touchdowns and not settle for field goals. They played earlier this season and the Colt won 17-15. The game I am looking forward to is the Saints and Cardinals. Both teams can run it, throw it and give it up. I hope that it is 63-60 final score. The Saints really want a rematch with the Cowboys. Dallas talked a lot of smack when they played earlier this season and left the Saints hoping for a second chance. Brett Favre came back to win a super Bowl. He definitely needs to keep it simple. We shall see....

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