Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The problem with the world today

The problem with the world today in particular America is that there is no universality in any topic in the country. We cannot agree on racism, sexism, or capitalism. We cannot come up with a health care initiative that helps everyone. We cannot elect leaders in this country that everyone agrees with no matter what party one belongs to. We have a political system that says that in order for laws to be passed it must be approved by the bodies of elected officials before the President signs off on it. We wont allow people who have a different sexual orientation the right to marry because of the bible and because of antiquated beliefs that people have today. We are afraid of everything and don't trust anyone. Why do we behave, adjudicate, legislate, fear, the way we do? I wish I could tell you. I wish I could explain to you why whenever an athlete apologizes for his or her sins, no one believes them. Since when did the media become the morality police? They are the blame for inflated salaries and egos. What does contrite really mean? When a politician messes up, he parades his wife and family in front of the world and every seems to forgive him or her. The reason I say this is that as soon as he or she gets in impeached they run for office a few years later and they are back in same position. Or Bill Maher, Fox and CNN news comes calling and they have a new career and are allowed to rehab their image. Some athletes and coaches get that right too. But why do we want athletes or politicians to apologize when we all are going to judge them for what they say, how they say it, and if they seemed contrite?
Another aspect of this lack of universality is in law. How is it that Plaxico Burress shoots himself in the leg and gets 20 months in jail and Jayson Williams gets 18 months for killing somebody. Leonard Little killed someone and did less than a year for his negligence. Dany Heatly was involved in an accident that killed a teammate and is playing hockey every day for the Sharks. Jim Brown went to jail because he refused to admit that he hit his wife. Remember Latrell Sprewell? He choked his coach and got suspended from the league for 68 games and was treated like he was a thug. Then it comes out after wards that his coach uses language that a lot of players found offensive and wanted to do the same thing to the coach. Then later on that year Kevin Greene chokes his coach and he is forgiven because football is a violent sport and in the heat of battles emotions get the best of people. The coach from South Florida was fired because he hit a player allegedly during half time of a game. Mark Mangino was fired for his language and his treatment of his players. Just the other day the coach at Kansas st. hit one of his players twice and nothing has happened to him yet. Why don't we have universality in how all these things are handled? I know that this not communism but why is there so much gray area and interpretation to all of these incidents? Jayson Williams has been to trial twice and decided that life is too tough for him right now and going to jail may save him. He was just arrested for DUI. He is about be divorced and his father died two months ago. I would be going crazy too if all these thing had happened to me in a short period of time. Dany Heatly lost control of his vehicle and killed his teammate and only got 3 years probation and a judge who chooses his vehicle. He wasn't drunk legally but someone did die. So I guess if Plaxico had killed someone he would have gotten house arrest.
My entire point in all of this is that we are a starving society that needs a miracle. Not my daughter but someone or something to believe in. In 40's, 50's, and some of the 60's many people were brainwashed into the beliefs that the government and the media allowed us to see and believe. If we thought different we were "communists", we were rebels without a cause, we were anti- American. Free thought was frowned upon until the many movements of the 60's and 70's but all of those leaders were assassinated or imprisoned. I love free thought and I am lucky to be able to blog as I do. But we need a universality in this country other than poverty. We are all struggling and fighting to find that door that opens us up to something new and good. Sports needs that more than ever. We need a sports world where it really is about the athletes and the games they play. We need a world where we all have one idea and gives us harmony and peace. He who is without sin may he cast the first stone...

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