Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I love the lists that these networks keep putting out..

The NFL network put out a list a few weeks ago where the players rated the 100 best players in the NFL.  ESPN and Ron Jaworski just put out a lit of the top 30 quarterbacks in the league.  Doesn't that get you fired up for the upcoming season in football?  Everyone's favorite darling, Tim Tebow made both lists and Aaron Rodgers topped both lists.  I was extremely surprised at Rodgers ranking because he did not have the best stats, the best team and they did not win the best prize.  Everey day we watch sports all we hear about is the ring.  They play for the ring in basketball, football, and  baseball.  All we are inundated with is commentary about how winning the ring is the most important thing and individual accomplishments dont mean a thing.  Well guess what? I guess that talk is only to fill in time on the 24 hour news services and networks because Aaron Rodgers did not win the ring. Tom Brady, Drew Brees, and Peyton Manning did not either.  How Eli Manning is not a top of both lists is a joke to me and heres why..
The Nfl Network poll of top 100 players rated Eli Manning 30th on their list.  30th? He threw for over 4900 yards.  He led the Giants to several fourth quarter comeback and victories.  He beat Rodgers once and Brady twice,  He plays in the most difficult division in pro football and in the most difficult city to play sports in.  He ended the Patriots 21 game home win streak.  In the playoffs, he led the Giants to victory over Atlanta who won more than 10 games, Green Bay who won more than 13 games, San Francisco who who won more than 13 games and then New England who won more than 13 games.  He won all of these games except Atlanta on the road and the Giants were underdogs in all of the games.  What does the man have to do to get his respect.  He proclaimed last year that he is in the class of Brady and his brother Peyton.  What was he supposed to say?  "No, I suck and I got lucky to win a ring?" Every network ran that story and laughed in his face for saying that.  Well guess who has the hardware basedon the 2012 season?  Guess who outplayed everyone of the quaterbacks rated ahead of him? Guess who has more rings than Rodgers, Brees, and Peyton Manning?
The Ron Jaworski rating is even more comical because Peyton Manning did not even play a single down last year.  We don't know what we are going to get from Peyton Manning this year.  He look impressive on tape and on youtube, but what happens when he gets hit?  Eli doesn't even get mention in New York.  Every story is about Tebow and Sanchez.  Tebow and Sanchez have as many Super Bowl wins as i have.  They also have as many Super Bowl appearances as I have.  My friend David Karatz has more super appearances than Tebow and Sanchez.  The Jets haven't been to the Super Bowl since I was 1 year old.  They belong on VH-1 as a reality television show as opposed to a football team.  Tony Romo and Mike Vick get all of the talk in the NFC east.  Neither of them have a SuperBowl ring either. 
So what does this all mean? It means nothing to Eli Manning.  He made his statement last year and looks forward to defending his title this year.  What it means to me is that the ring is what they play for and if you win the ring and are the reason that you won the ring then you should be on top of every list. Isn't that what we hear every day?  I will defend Eli Manning every day.  We are born on the same day and Capricorns rule..

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