Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The New York Jest.. I mean Jets..

I usually root for all New York area teams in all sports.  I watch the Yankees, even though I am a Met fan.. I watch the Islanders and Devils even though I love the Rangers.. I watch even the Nets even though I bleed orange, blue and white for my Knicks.  I would much rather watch the Buffalo Bills than root for the New York Jets.  The Jets make me sick. I am absolutely floored with all of the media hype that surrounds this team.  This team won a Super Bowl in 1969 and has not been to one since.  They have been in four AFC championship games and have not been able to play two successful halves of football.  They could have easily defeated Miami in the 80's but let A.J. Duhe dominate them in that game.  They dominated Denver in the first half but Vinny ran out of gas in the second half.  They confused the Colts offense in the first half and ran all over their defense but could not stop Peyton in the second half.  They looked scared in the first half against the Steelers but in the second half regrouped enough to win the game but could not get off the field on the Steelers final drive. They talk more s*** than any team that has not won a damn thing.  Their coach is brash, comical, innovative and a"Ryan".   They play great defense at times and if they did not have to face Tom Brady twice a year, they probably would have the statistical number 1 ranked defense in the league.  Last year they finished 5th in defense I believe and they live and die by a blitz scheme that either makes Ryan look like a genius or a fool.  They have no pass rush so they whatever they can to get the quarterback.  Darrell Revis is a superstar, but most teams make him a non-factor in games. 
Why do I call them the Jests?  We live in an age of sports where when you hear the players speak all they talk about is winning the ring.  Players very rarely talk about themselves, especially those who have not won anything.  Except maybe during a contract dispute or if a player is Terrell Owens, you usually never hear so much about players who haven't accomplished anything.   Everyday and I mean EVERYDAY, there is a news story about teh Jets.  Whether it is Tim Tebow running with his shirt off in the rain, Rex Ryan losing 108lbs., whether it is Sanchez throwing better than Tebow, Revis hurting his groin, Mangold's sister going to the Olympics as a weightlifter, the jets the jets, the jets... I am having system overload about a team that was 8-8 last year.  They lost to the Giants last year when Victor Cruz scored on that beautiful 99yard pitch and catch from Eli.  They did not even make the playoffs and most people this year dont think they will either.  Look at the AFC. 
The Patriots will win the East.  Houston will win the South. Baltimore or Pittsburgh will win the North.  Denver is the trendy pick out West.  So that means the Jets have on spot to win.  The must beat San Diego, Oakland, Cincinnati, Tennessee, Kansas City who gets eveyone back from a team that went to the playoffs when they were healthy, for the last spot.  Are they more newsworthy than the ten teams I have already mentioned?  I can understand the over coverage of the Denver Broncos.  They just signed Peyton Mnning to a long term deal and he is of course Peyton Manning.  I can understand all of the coverage of the Saints.  They have no head coach. Have several lawsuits pending against the league, players suspended, coaches suspended, Brees contract and subsequent comments about comissioner, Super Bowl being held in New Orleans. Just to name a few.. But the Jets?  The coach says everyday that Sanchez is his guy. New York fans are not like other city fans.  We recognize if a player can play or whether or not he is hype, or garbage.  Giant fans had a dilemma when the battle was between Simms and Hoss.. Both got a ring and the ring Hoss got was impart due to the season that Simms had created.  Jet fans will not clamour for Tebow if Sanchez is struggling because they already know that Sanchez is a better quarterback.  They have nothing worthy to debate because they are not going anywhere!!!
Yes I respect that the Jest have been to the AFC title game 2 of the last three years and have amazed us with creative ways in which they have won games against pretty good teams.  They have some good players, but need to concentrate on better locker room comraderie than being on Sportscenter talking about Super Bowls.  Dont you remember Santonio Holmes melt down last year when this team needed him in a big moment and game? I know that the best part for some are the characters that in the league.  Usually we are touting them for their humor or candor because they have done something on the field worth noticing.  Win something first Jest fans and then I will call you by your real name. I am sick that i had to take the time out to write this blog about them..

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