Sunday, July 15, 2012

Nothing still beats Boxing

I watched with wide open eyes last night the fight between Amir Khan and Danny Garcia last night and nothing still gives me a rush like a quality knockout like boxing.  I know the world is falling madly in love with mixed martial arts but nothing beats a simple butt kicking in boxing.  Khan was absolutely "bombing" Garcia last night.  Garcia was getting hit with the kitchen sink, garage sink, bath tub, walk in closet, pet gold fish, and recliner.  All three of the announcers kept warning that Khan has a soft chin and that his over aggressive tactics may get him caught because "Garcia is tough as nails".  They listened in to Garcia's corner and Garcia's dad, who is his trainer said that the left hook was there and the upper cut if Garcia would just take a step back.  Khan was on the attack and Garcia took a step back and absolutely flattened him.  Khan never saw the punch because he was already engaged in throwing a punch.  He actually landed the punch he threw but got absolutely "mollywhopped" with the left hand and was done.  Yes Khan showed some toughness and "heart"  because he fought hard in the next round before he was dropped twice and the ref stopped the fight.  I give him credit for being valiant.  The decision to stop the fight was correct.  I can't believe that I witnessed what i saw.  Boxing is always critcized for tainted outcomes.  I am excited that fight left no reason for doubt.
MMA last week had Anderson Silva TKO Sonen and it wasn't nearly as compelling.  Yes Sonen nearly beat Silva in the last fight and talked a great fight before they met, but c'mon, did you really think Silva was not going to be prepared and hungry to shut Sonen up?  Silva hasn't lost in a decade and he left no doubt that he wont be losing any time soon.  Then the worst injustice happen in the Ortiz/Griffin fight just before.  Griffin himself said it was at least a draw.  Ortiz dominated him in the second and third round and was even with him in the other rounds.  Boxing isnt the only sports that have b.s. results. MMA at least makes these fight again to shut up all speculation.  However, Ortiz was inducted into the MMA hall of fame that day and deserved a bit more respect and a victory.
I am just saying for me boxing is simply better when you get a decisive result and a star is born.  Did you see the Heavyweight fight when David Haye knocked the other Brit out in the 5th round?  This fight only happened becausethese two men got into a fight after Haye whipped his butt at a post fight conference. Only in boxing could an insignifcant fight happen between two guys that don't mean anything to anyone but the two fighters, and not only get worldwide attention but make millions of dollars for both involved.  MMA fights dont get paid nearly as well as boxers do.  Plus right now MMA needs an infusion of new blood.  The old champs keep on winning and the re-matches are getting old and uninteresting. What next for boxing?  Some good title fights in the fall.  New faces and new champs.  Floyd will be out soon. Manny needs to regain his belt. Yes Iknow he was robbed, but maybe Manny needs to do like Garcia and not leave it up to a judge in order to get his result.. That is why the knockout is the most dominant form of destruction in sports right?

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