Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The question is why?...

Before i rant, I will say that I am using a computer at the library so posting photos of the athletes i talk about is missing from my blogs.. I miss showing my creativity.. (I Digress)
The question today is why? I will talk about a few sports and maybe you will ask me why not?  I am confused about of a ton of life mysteries. One of the things I am confused about is players in the N.F.L. getting franchised tags put on them and then a team not signing them to along deal or the furor created about players who eventually get signed. Franchising a player means that a team his a one year exclusivity right to negotiate with a player who could become an unrestricted free agent.  Drew Brees, Matt Forte, and Ray Rice are three of the best football players in the world and any team would be foolish to part ways with. The Saints, Bears and Ravens eventually stepped up and paid these men contracts and the sports universe should be happy.  Now don't get me wrong, Brees, Rice, and Forte were going to get paid beaucoup dollars this season just to play one year and I am not crying for these players at all.  I just don't understand the logic behind franchise tagging players at all.  Especially players who when healthy do more than contribute to victories and the upliftment(if that is a word) of said team.  I understand what the players gripe are.  They want long term stability.  They want to know that a team wants them, appreciates them, and is willing to stand by them.  The team is concerned about injury, image, and salary cap room.  That to me is a disgrace.  Wes Welker is why.  He is the best slot receiver in football bar none. He has caught over 550 since he became a Patriot and is first in the league in several other categories in his six years with the Pats.  He has been a perennial pro bowler and is simply Tom Brady's go to man.  The simple fact that he gets hurt or the fact that he dropped a difficult pass in the super bowl last year is not good enough for me.  I understand that players age and may lose a step or two over the years, but his risk has been a huge reward for the Patriots.  He is not replacable.   Other players may be.  Josh Scobee is a kicker and a kicker value is only missed when the replacement kicker starts missing field goals or the average starting position on the field is not good.  Dwayne Bowe is the only receiving threat worth anything on the Chiefs but maybe the Chiefs are going to try and re-live 2010 where they led the league in rushing.  You still need to pass the ball to set up the run at times in the games so I dont know what the Chiefs are thinking about.  The Lions think that they have a plethora of defensive line players and that Mr. Avril is expendable. He may be but didn't the Giants just win the Super Bowl because their defensive line had a plethora of players who could rush the passer? 
My other why has to do with Tiger Woods.  Why does the sports media spend so much time eulogizing him when he is not dead or done?  The biggest deal in sports isn't sports itself it is the speculation and innuendo created by people who can't play any sports.  Rick Reilly has been writing sports for almost 30 years and i respect his knowledge and creativity but the most recent Tiger piece was offensive and an attempt to call attention to himself.  Last year the golfing world said Tiger was done winning tournaments.  He has won 3 already this year.  He hasn't won a major since the U.S. Open in 2009. We get it.  Roger Federer is showing the world how to age gracefully and win major titles and maybe Tiger will learn from him. So many more stories to talk about in sports.  Tiger Woods has 14 years left on the PGA tour before he goes to the Senior Tour.  That means he has 54 chances to win 5 major tournaments to pass Jack.  If he wins 100 tournaments and not the 18 majors that everyone wants him to do, is his career a failure? Let him play golf and enjoy the ride, resurgence, and skill level.  I guess Federer was done too until he won Wimbeldon right?
Ihave some other why's but I will save them for a rainy day..

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