Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Tiger at 75. Are we still spoiled?

I will not deny that I am as big a Tiger Woods fan as they come. I am not a stalker nor have I been to any golf tourney that he plays in, but I will watch if he is on television no matter where I am. He is a once in a lifetime athlete who commands your attention no matter what you think of him. The media today is truly spoiled. Micheal Jordan showed us how winners are on the floor. Derek Jeter does the same on the baseball field. Roger Federer personifies it on the tennis court. Floyd Mayweather does it in the ring. Micheal Phelps in the pool.  These men just know how to win and do it at all costs and do it at a level that most of all of us cannot comprehend.
Listening to the media coverage after Tiger won on Monday, you would think that Tiger was still public enemy number 1 and that winning this tournament was no big deal. Yes he has won at this course 8 times which is unprecedented. Some of the people chasing him had won their as well. The big question after the victory is whether or not he was going to win a major or not this year. Every pundit said the Masters maybe or the P.G.A. because they are a course he has played on before. Implying that Tiger can only win at the tournaments where he has a history at or has won before on. Yes last year he won Arnies', Jacks',his event to give him his victories last season. So I can see where they are making their argument. My point is that he has seventy five victories and they haven't all come on his favorite courses. If they did,so what? Can you same something that you have done successfully 75 times and made s billion dollars doing it? I understand his compulsion to be better than Jack and emulate Federer. Tiger is still under 40 and firmly number 2 in the world with his sights set on number 1. Can't we just enjoy his pursuit without being inundated with speculative questions. If he wins 100 tournaments and on 17 majors is he still one notch below Jack?
Will the public be that cruel on Tiger if he cannot pass Jack? If we are cruel, then we are truly spoiled. I look forward to finding out...

Monday, January 28, 2013

Commissioner Goodell not popular by demand

The Super Bowl usually has enough stories involving the teams playing the game. This Super Bowl is no exception because of the retirement of Ray Lewis. The Colin Kaeppernick story, Is Joe Flacco elite, The Harbaugh brothers as foes, Frank Gore, Ed Reed sagas and of course the journey that both teams have been on to get here.  That is a lot to cover. Throw in that the game is being played in recovering New Orleans, and you have the full Monty. However there is one major story coming out this week and it is not a pretty one.  The players can't stand the commissioner and they have ample reason to dislike and distrust him.
When Plaxico Burress shot himself in the leg at a night club, he was punished as vehemently as one can. He did not brandish the weapon and flaunt it to a crowd of people or anyone for that matter. He was carrying a weapon because the previous week before, his teammate Steve Smith was robbed at gunpoint with his wife by Smith's limousine driver. No one cared that that happened. Burress had the book thrown at him by both the NFL and the New York legal system. In my view, that case was the beginning of the end for Goodell. He has fined players and suspended players at a rate that makes people think he thinks he is executioner too.  The New Orleans Saints blame him for ruining what could have been a super season. James Harrison's paychecks have been garnished for suspension several times.  Ed Reed has made donations as well. He has probably made millions in just collected fine money. He has made his message clear about what he will tolerate or you will pay.  The tackle from the Redskins who was involved with that brawl last week better get ready for a phone call, because you can't be out and get in trouble these days.  Pacman Jones learned the hard way. Mr.Suh too.
Goodell feels he is doing what's best for football and its image with his fines and punishments.  The. Players understand his intentions but do not respect his methods . Brain injuries are killing players.  Concussion are a serious subject. The players feel over legislated and not respected. The league made millions lions for years with those vicious hits videos. Too many rules and constant reprimands have hurt the communication between the players and the league office.  They feel powerless and like slaves in some instances. Had he got his wish to play an eighteen game season anarchy would have run wild in the league. No one is surprised by the disapproval numbers, it should probably be worse. The system could have been a part of the collective bargain agreement, but the players seemed only intent on protecting their money. Now they have to deal with a leader who they did not vote in, but is firmly in charge. No one to blame but themselves....  The commissioner could care less!!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Is Joe Flacco this years Eli

Before last season started, Elk Manning was asked whether or not he was an elite quarterback. He said he was and promptly went out an had an incredible season. He had moments last year that drove me crazy, with frustrating losses in the regular season. Some how he discovered how to win in the fourth quarter and in the post season and lead the New York Giants to a title. Well Joe Flacco has had more of a frustrating regular season and is in position to duplicate Eli's feat. Flacco does things in the regular season that makes you scratch more than your head. He has games that defy logic and give his detractors ammunition. The Ravens were 1-4 in their last five games and it could have been worse. Their one win was against the Giants. You either love Joe or you ask Joe to let the defense win games for you. In the regular season, the Ravens were hard to watch after week 10 but somehow, Joe has channeled his inner Eli Manning and has been brilliant in the post season.  He has beaten, Andrew Luck, Peyton, and Tom Brady end route to the big game. He has thrown 8 touchdowns and no picks so far and has outplayed those three qb's in the postseason. The throw he made to tie the Broncos is the stuff if legend. Outplaying Brady in Foxboro and getting redemption for last year is big contract worthy. He must pull off the finale in order to have an Eli Manning storybook, finish. The 49ers don't lose these games. They have had their ordinary Joe take them to the promise land. Multiple times... The Eli comparison from last year is a good one. He must finish however what he started...

Monday, January 21, 2013

The Nhl is back.. did you know it was gone?

I am a hockey fan. I love the Rangers. I like the moves they made in the off season. King Hendrik Lundquist is supposed to be the piece that carried them last year to the eastern conference finals.  Getting Nast was supposed to be the piece to get them to the finals.  The Kings won the cup and hockey is supposed to alive in America.  The penguins and Black hawks have all of their pieces back. The Flyers,Red Wings, Stars, and Devils will use veteran lineups to make push at another title run. Washington and Tampa have scoring machines. Vancouver is  looking for redemption. Anaheim could be a sleeper team out west. The Bruins underachieved last year and are out for blood.
With all that being said, did anyone really miss the sport? Hockey has the best post season in sports. No sport has a postseason where literally each game could be different. The owners may have gotten the deal they wanted. The public perception has not changed. We will watch only the playoffs. We will watch to see Barry Melrose give his commentary. We will root for the Rangers and hope for another shot at the Stanley cup. But as long as the Nba is in and the Knicks are contending for a title, the Clippers are dunking, and Lebron is dominating , I will not be watching. Hockey is lucky that they have the loyal fan base they do. They had an amazing opening weekend probably due to the holiday factor. They have young superstars to carry the league. They have stars galore, they have successful big market teams, and they have their own network.  I admire what they have. Still not enough for me to go all in. I will try.  But if they strike again,  I AM Done

Bryant, Brady, and Woods.. Difficult to catch your heroes huh...

The three most prolific American athletes of the last 20 years are Tiger Woods,Tom Brady, and K obe Bryant.  Derek Jeter is in their group but he is not considered to be the greatest player in his sport.  Roger Federer is the only athlete to accomplish the goal of exceeding the lofty accomplishments of his hero. Lionel Messi and Micheal Phelps have done it too, but swimming ,and soccer only matter in an Olympic year and over seas. Brady, Bryant, Woods, have wowed us with their prowess, excellence, and killer instinct.  They have won title emphatically, impressively, and unexpectedly.  Woods shocked the world with his unbelievable win at the masters. His margin of victory on that day is the stuff of legend.  Brady took over for an injured Drew Bledsoe and lead the Patriots over the "greatest show on turf" St. Louis Rams. Bryant won titles as a sidekick for Shaquille Oneal but was the go to guy when the Lakers needed a basket. They have been heroes and villains. Have they all reached to high to reach their stated goals?  Bryant is trying to make us forget Micheal Jordan. He shoots like Jordan. Talks like Jordan. Plays like Jordan. He is one title away from tying Jordan. His Lakers team is really struggling. They have talent, but can't figure out how to play together.  The Patriots are 7-7 in his last 14 playoff games. The last won the super bowl in 2003. They played in last years game so they are close, but fell short the last few years. Brady has matched most of his idol Joe Montana's records.The window is beginning to close on him.  Tiger was at one time a shoe in to catch Jack Nickalus records in the major tournaments. He has caught him in overall tour wins, but not in major titles. There s a new threat in McIlroy who is the"next" Tiger or Jack. Tiger has not been the same player since his marital problems.  He is ready to start his season and chase down Jack. 
Has the clock run out on these men? Brady and Bryant could put together a magical season next year and get it done. Tiger has 15 years to win 5 majors. 60 chances to get it done. Kobe and Brady need help from others. Tiger needs to play better in the first round and continue to score well on the weekend. Will they catch their heroes? I think Brady and Tiger will. The NBA has a new crop of hungry "tigers" and The challenge will be difficult for Kobe. Father time stops for no one. He always wins in the end. I look forward to seeing them try to complete their careers. They won't stop fighting and trying.  We won't stop cheering for them as they achieve

Why do they lie?

As I watched Lance Armstrong talk to Oprah, I ask myself the most basic fundamental questions.  To me I get the whole win at all cost mentality. I get the whole " if you ain't cheatin you ain't trying" mentality of all sports. The powers that be in all sports CA create any rule they want and declare anything is illegal.  Andro only became illegal because innuendo made it sound like a steroid.  Hell two NFL players were suspended because they took adderall. Everyday people all over the world drink coffee, five hour energy drink,vitamins, or some stimulant to start their day. When people go to the gym they take their  supplements to increase their performance.  So I don't judge anyone for doing what they do, because we do it on a smaller level and of course a legal level. So I ask the world this question. Why do they lie.
There is no logical reason as to why these athletes lie.  Stop blaming money or public pressure, you are grown men and women and no right from wrong. There is always a paper trail. There are always people who have an axe to grind and know more about you than you do. Oh and going to jail is not honorable or cool.  The government will go after you as well as the press, and other public officials will go after you.  Lance Armstrong sued people and organizations for defaming him. He intimidated people, he went on television and proclaimed his innocence, he taunted everyone who claimed he cheated. He looked you and me in the eye and said he was no fraud.  We bought the bracelet, we argued for him, Clemens, and Bonds. Why lie?  We are a nation that forgives and gives people several chances to redeem themselves.  If lance had said hey the cancer has taken so much out of me and I took these supplements to prolong my career or help me get through, I guarantee you that this country would have understood. If he would have said that he cheated because he didn't want to let his dream go away, we would have had compassion for his passion to fulfill a dream at all costs.  He hurt this nation. We fought for him. Robin Williams even went to France and taunted the french for criticizing Lance. He should go to a place worse than jail. Twenty years of lies.  Twenty years of  deceit. Fame and fortune is the worse steroid, Human Growth Hormone,  known to human kind. ..

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Another college coach takes his show to the show

The Philadelphia Eagles hired University of Oregon coach Chip Kelly as its franchises 21st head football coach.  Is anyone surprised?  Apparently everyone in football appears to have been blindsided by this hiring.  Kelly last week said he was staying at Oregon . I guess he had a change of heart and is ready to embark on this immense journey.  Is he the real deal? Or is he another brash college coach who thinks football is football and all you need is great players to win.  I just heard his press conference and oh oh he thinks exactly what I just said.  If you are an Eagle fan you have to be a bit scared right now.  The Redskins had a coach just like this a little while ago named Steve Spurrier.  A brash, over confident offensive guru who was going se the NFL on fire with his offensive wizardry. He vowed that he not put in long hours because he was not going to burn himself out. He had it all figured out.  That is the impression that I get from Chip Kelly. His style of football is starting take over the NFL and maybe there could be something to his confidence.  He has Mike Vicki as his quarterback and is the prototype quarterback to run his offense.  He has weapons and speed galore. Desean Jackson, Jeremy Maclin, Lesean McCoy as his ammunition is quite scary. Yes they have health issues every year and we never know how great they could be because they never play 16 games. The potential is quite scary.
Everyone will be watching this unfold because Andy Reid was so well respected. Was it Reid's fault that every year he had to deal with untimely injuries? The Eagles have been one of most snake bitten teams in modern memory. As a Giant fan I actually liked Andy Reid. His teams have frustrated mine for years. He never complained about a thing. When they lost, he owned it. When they won't he gave the credit to the players.  So Chip Kelly has a lot to live up to. 
Will he be like Nick Saban, Bobby Petrino, or Spurrier and fizzle out? Greg Schiano just had a great year in Tampa.  No one cares about Tampa though. Philly is a major football town whose fan base will run him out of town, if he does not produce.  I was wrong about RGIii.  I hope that Kelly does well. Just not against my team. This is going to be a circus. He has a mouth on him. Andy Reid was quiet. This guy will meet you in the parking lot

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Lakers are a mess..

  I didnt want to do this and all of a sudden the Lakers go on a ten game win streak and I look like a fool but I have to.  The Los Angeles Lakers may have fallen and may not be able to get up.  The latest in the series of comical statements coming from the Lakers is Coach D'antoni wants Kobe to be the defensive catalyst for the team.  As if leading the league in scoring isn't enough.  He want Bryant to guard the opposing teams best scorer if he is a guard or small forward  and still score as he does.  Is this man nuts. He needs to go and get some old school tape of the Houston Rockets when they had Olajawon and Sampson or get some tape of the Kentucky Wildcats when  they had Bowie and Turpin and figure out how to play two big men together before they go exhausting Kobe.  The twin tower attack has only worked in San Antonio and Boston.  Kobe is having his best offensive year ever.  He is the reason the seats remain filled. Yes he had a great game guarding Kyrie Irving. Yes he is capable of guarding everyone this side of Kevin Durant and maybe Carmelo. Who then picks up the load on offense?  Nash is absolutely scared.  He does nit want to ruffle any feathers here in L.a.  He and Kobe should be doing pick and roll basketball or when  teams double team Kobe, Nash not Artest should be a viable and productive option.  Instead Nash swings the ball instead of shooting.  Jodie Meeks and Antawn Jamison are not afraid to shoot, but they can't shoot like Nash. I have never thought that Nash would be this tentative.  Shoot the damn ball Steve. I guarantee you  no one in Laker land will complain.
    Dwight Howard is a goof ball.  He is learning now that this is serious business and not only a game.  In Orlando, no one was watching so it would be okay to put up good big numbers and fail.  No one cares about them Magic. In the big basketball cities, the media is everywhere and they want answers every night.  When you win you be goofy and have fun at the expense of the coaches and everyone around the team. Shaquille O'neal made a career of that. Dwight can really play, but he has not shown up every night.  If he is hurt the rest him. No one wants to hear about his injury when he scores 10 points but don't hear nothing when he scores 33 and grabs 20 rebounds.  You cant have it both ways.
    Pau Gasol is a mental mess.  Just because he makes three point shots in practice does not always translate to the game. He should be the first option and if he does not get the ball in the post in the first seven seconds of the shot clock the get out and let Dwight post up.  Movement without the basketball is what made the Celtic big three get it done when they had two dominant inside players. The Spurs had Robinson on top and Duncan in the low block. They moved or cut to the basket and got dunks all of the time.  Gasol just stains at the three point line and watches a good game. He need Phil Jackson to erase the negative feelings I his mind.  Don't get me going about that fiasco.  The Lakers humiliated him and will have to give him ownership of the team just to get him to talk again. Isn't he still dating the owners daughter?
Oh oh.. Miami is coming on Thursday..

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The SEC does it again

I'm back and ready to try this blogging thing again.  Nothing will escape my probing eye.
At the beginning of the college football season, I prayed and begged that we get USC and a SEC team in the BCS championship game because it would save college football. USC has sent as many college football players to the pro's as anyone else has and they have the only style that can offset this single back offense that has taken over college and pro football. Unfortunately USC had its worse season in over a decade and we had to settle for the next best thing, which was Notre Dame. They didn't show up either. Is the SEC that much better than the rest of the nation or is it a case of right time and right match up. I guess until so done beats them I the big game, we have assume that they are just so ply better.
When I watched Clemson and Louisville defeat LSU and Florida, I really thought that that meant that we may have a true test in the title game. Louisville ambushed Florida with precision and speed and Clemson matched LSU punch for punch. Yes Les miles made some boneheaded play calls that would have iced the game, but I give Clemson credit for not quitting and simply playing a full 60 minutes. I should have been smarter and realized that those teams aren't being coached by Nick Saban. Saban had 30 plus days to prepare for this game and he had Alabama rolling from start to finish. The reason I thought Notre Dame had a chance is that Notre Dame played by far the toughest schedule and most diverse schedule in the nation.  They played navy,  Stanford, Michigan, Michigan St., BYU, Pittsburgh, Miami, Oklahoma just to name a few. USC too. All but Miami played in a bowl game. How could the not be prepared for this game? They had over 40 days to get ready.  They had no significant injuries. They just got whipped.
What SEC football is about is as simple as ABC. They play hard. They tackle hard. They don't quit until final gun. They hit you first and won't stop till the game is done. 7 straight national titles and counting. They have had three of last four Heisman winners. I guess every other conference needs to send scouts to these schools to learn how to compete for the glass football. Next year could be more of the same. Georgia,Texas a&m, alabama, lsu, Florida, return a majority of its star players and have top ten recruiting classes.  This could last for awhile....;

Baseball hall of shame

I am disgraced to be a baseball fan today. Today the the geek squad got revenge against the cool kids.  No player was elected to the baseball hall of fame. Clemens no. Bonds no. Piazza no. Sosa hell no. Schilling no. Craig Biggio who has 3000 hits, a perennial all star, the face of his franchise for 20 seasons, did not get in. Is that a joke?  Mike piazza the greatest hitting catcher in the history of the game is out. Why? His name was never linked to p.e.D's during his career. He played hurt and still won a batting crown, all time leader in home runs by a catcher, played countless all star games, and he is out? Curt schilling who has an impressive post season record with wins in world series against the Blue jays, Yankees, and Rockies. He was the only player the Phillies had for years. I am disgusted.
Now Bonds, Clemens, Sosa, knew they would not get in on first ballot, but I am outraged that they didn't get in either. Unlike McGwire, Bonds, Clemens, Sosa were playing the best baseball at their positions. Clemens won multiple Cy Young awards before he was called a cheater. Bonds won 3 m.v.p.s before he allegedly took steroids. Those awards alone should have merited hall of fame status. Apparently the innuendo and non proof  of facts is enough to keep you out of the hall.  What I love is when I hear these old timers say I don't want to associated with the hall if cheaters got in. Everyone knows that Gay lord Perry doctored baseballs when he pitched and yet he got in.  No one ever talks about that.
The other thing that bothers me is that everyone thinks that baseball is such an easy game to play and that taking a shot or ingesting a pill will make you a better player. Everyone of the people accused of steroids used the stuff to get on the field or recover quicker. Bonds, Sosa, Mcgwire were already hitting homeruns so they weren't making steroids to get stronger.  Strength is not what gives you home run power. Bat speed and swing elevation does. Pitchers dont throw a ball faster because they have muscles. Its a gift. Haven't you seen people try to throw out first pitch before big games and can't reach home plate.  If I was a player today, I would boycott the media for one season. The media creates innuendo anyways right? So let them write stories without facts like do anyway.
The pen is mightier than the sword, is a great saying, is it mightier than the truth?  For guys like Biggio and Piazza what did they do. These athletes do what we want them to do. They play. Look at the debate now. Rg3, did Shanahan end his career?  Jay cutler got crucified for not playing. In NASCAR, if you are not cheating, you're not trying right.....