Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Lakers are a mess..

  I didnt want to do this and all of a sudden the Lakers go on a ten game win streak and I look like a fool but I have to.  The Los Angeles Lakers may have fallen and may not be able to get up.  The latest in the series of comical statements coming from the Lakers is Coach D'antoni wants Kobe to be the defensive catalyst for the team.  As if leading the league in scoring isn't enough.  He want Bryant to guard the opposing teams best scorer if he is a guard or small forward  and still score as he does.  Is this man nuts. He needs to go and get some old school tape of the Houston Rockets when they had Olajawon and Sampson or get some tape of the Kentucky Wildcats when  they had Bowie and Turpin and figure out how to play two big men together before they go exhausting Kobe.  The twin tower attack has only worked in San Antonio and Boston.  Kobe is having his best offensive year ever.  He is the reason the seats remain filled. Yes he had a great game guarding Kyrie Irving. Yes he is capable of guarding everyone this side of Kevin Durant and maybe Carmelo. Who then picks up the load on offense?  Nash is absolutely scared.  He does nit want to ruffle any feathers here in L.a.  He and Kobe should be doing pick and roll basketball or when  teams double team Kobe, Nash not Artest should be a viable and productive option.  Instead Nash swings the ball instead of shooting.  Jodie Meeks and Antawn Jamison are not afraid to shoot, but they can't shoot like Nash. I have never thought that Nash would be this tentative.  Shoot the damn ball Steve. I guarantee you  no one in Laker land will complain.
    Dwight Howard is a goof ball.  He is learning now that this is serious business and not only a game.  In Orlando, no one was watching so it would be okay to put up good big numbers and fail.  No one cares about them Magic. In the big basketball cities, the media is everywhere and they want answers every night.  When you win you be goofy and have fun at the expense of the coaches and everyone around the team. Shaquille O'neal made a career of that. Dwight can really play, but he has not shown up every night.  If he is hurt the rest him. No one wants to hear about his injury when he scores 10 points but don't hear nothing when he scores 33 and grabs 20 rebounds.  You cant have it both ways.
    Pau Gasol is a mental mess.  Just because he makes three point shots in practice does not always translate to the game. He should be the first option and if he does not get the ball in the post in the first seven seconds of the shot clock the get out and let Dwight post up.  Movement without the basketball is what made the Celtic big three get it done when they had two dominant inside players. The Spurs had Robinson on top and Duncan in the low block. They moved or cut to the basket and got dunks all of the time.  Gasol just stains at the three point line and watches a good game. He need Phil Jackson to erase the negative feelings I his mind.  Don't get me going about that fiasco.  The Lakers humiliated him and will have to give him ownership of the team just to get him to talk again. Isn't he still dating the owners daughter?
Oh oh.. Miami is coming on Thursday..

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