Monday, January 21, 2013

Why do they lie?

As I watched Lance Armstrong talk to Oprah, I ask myself the most basic fundamental questions.  To me I get the whole win at all cost mentality. I get the whole " if you ain't cheatin you ain't trying" mentality of all sports. The powers that be in all sports CA create any rule they want and declare anything is illegal.  Andro only became illegal because innuendo made it sound like a steroid.  Hell two NFL players were suspended because they took adderall. Everyday people all over the world drink coffee, five hour energy drink,vitamins, or some stimulant to start their day. When people go to the gym they take their  supplements to increase their performance.  So I don't judge anyone for doing what they do, because we do it on a smaller level and of course a legal level. So I ask the world this question. Why do they lie.
There is no logical reason as to why these athletes lie.  Stop blaming money or public pressure, you are grown men and women and no right from wrong. There is always a paper trail. There are always people who have an axe to grind and know more about you than you do. Oh and going to jail is not honorable or cool.  The government will go after you as well as the press, and other public officials will go after you.  Lance Armstrong sued people and organizations for defaming him. He intimidated people, he went on television and proclaimed his innocence, he taunted everyone who claimed he cheated. He looked you and me in the eye and said he was no fraud.  We bought the bracelet, we argued for him, Clemens, and Bonds. Why lie?  We are a nation that forgives and gives people several chances to redeem themselves.  If lance had said hey the cancer has taken so much out of me and I took these supplements to prolong my career or help me get through, I guarantee you that this country would have understood. If he would have said that he cheated because he didn't want to let his dream go away, we would have had compassion for his passion to fulfill a dream at all costs.  He hurt this nation. We fought for him. Robin Williams even went to France and taunted the french for criticizing Lance. He should go to a place worse than jail. Twenty years of lies.  Twenty years of  deceit. Fame and fortune is the worse steroid, Human Growth Hormone,  known to human kind. ..

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