Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Baseball hall of shame

I am disgraced to be a baseball fan today. Today the the geek squad got revenge against the cool kids.  No player was elected to the baseball hall of fame. Clemens no. Bonds no. Piazza no. Sosa hell no. Schilling no. Craig Biggio who has 3000 hits, a perennial all star, the face of his franchise for 20 seasons, did not get in. Is that a joke?  Mike piazza the greatest hitting catcher in the history of the game is out. Why? His name was never linked to p.e.D's during his career. He played hurt and still won a batting crown, all time leader in home runs by a catcher, played countless all star games, and he is out? Curt schilling who has an impressive post season record with wins in world series against the Blue jays, Yankees, and Rockies. He was the only player the Phillies had for years. I am disgusted.
Now Bonds, Clemens, Sosa, knew they would not get in on first ballot, but I am outraged that they didn't get in either. Unlike McGwire, Bonds, Clemens, Sosa were playing the best baseball at their positions. Clemens won multiple Cy Young awards before he was called a cheater. Bonds won 3 m.v.p.s before he allegedly took steroids. Those awards alone should have merited hall of fame status. Apparently the innuendo and non proof  of facts is enough to keep you out of the hall.  What I love is when I hear these old timers say I don't want to associated with the hall if cheaters got in. Everyone knows that Gay lord Perry doctored baseballs when he pitched and yet he got in.  No one ever talks about that.
The other thing that bothers me is that everyone thinks that baseball is such an easy game to play and that taking a shot or ingesting a pill will make you a better player. Everyone of the people accused of steroids used the stuff to get on the field or recover quicker. Bonds, Sosa, Mcgwire were already hitting homeruns so they weren't making steroids to get stronger.  Strength is not what gives you home run power. Bat speed and swing elevation does. Pitchers dont throw a ball faster because they have muscles. Its a gift. Haven't you seen people try to throw out first pitch before big games and can't reach home plate.  If I was a player today, I would boycott the media for one season. The media creates innuendo anyways right? So let them write stories without facts like do anyway.
The pen is mightier than the sword, is a great saying, is it mightier than the truth?  For guys like Biggio and Piazza what did they do. These athletes do what we want them to do. They play. Look at the debate now. Rg3, did Shanahan end his career?  Jay cutler got crucified for not playing. In NASCAR, if you are not cheating, you're not trying right.....

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