Monday, January 21, 2013

Bryant, Brady, and Woods.. Difficult to catch your heroes huh...

The three most prolific American athletes of the last 20 years are Tiger Woods,Tom Brady, and K obe Bryant.  Derek Jeter is in their group but he is not considered to be the greatest player in his sport.  Roger Federer is the only athlete to accomplish the goal of exceeding the lofty accomplishments of his hero. Lionel Messi and Micheal Phelps have done it too, but swimming ,and soccer only matter in an Olympic year and over seas. Brady, Bryant, Woods, have wowed us with their prowess, excellence, and killer instinct.  They have won title emphatically, impressively, and unexpectedly.  Woods shocked the world with his unbelievable win at the masters. His margin of victory on that day is the stuff of legend.  Brady took over for an injured Drew Bledsoe and lead the Patriots over the "greatest show on turf" St. Louis Rams. Bryant won titles as a sidekick for Shaquille Oneal but was the go to guy when the Lakers needed a basket. They have been heroes and villains. Have they all reached to high to reach their stated goals?  Bryant is trying to make us forget Micheal Jordan. He shoots like Jordan. Talks like Jordan. Plays like Jordan. He is one title away from tying Jordan. His Lakers team is really struggling. They have talent, but can't figure out how to play together.  The Patriots are 7-7 in his last 14 playoff games. The last won the super bowl in 2003. They played in last years game so they are close, but fell short the last few years. Brady has matched most of his idol Joe Montana's records.The window is beginning to close on him.  Tiger was at one time a shoe in to catch Jack Nickalus records in the major tournaments. He has caught him in overall tour wins, but not in major titles. There s a new threat in McIlroy who is the"next" Tiger or Jack. Tiger has not been the same player since his marital problems.  He is ready to start his season and chase down Jack. 
Has the clock run out on these men? Brady and Bryant could put together a magical season next year and get it done. Tiger has 15 years to win 5 majors. 60 chances to get it done. Kobe and Brady need help from others. Tiger needs to play better in the first round and continue to score well on the weekend. Will they catch their heroes? I think Brady and Tiger will. The NBA has a new crop of hungry "tigers" and The challenge will be difficult for Kobe. Father time stops for no one. He always wins in the end. I look forward to seeing them try to complete their careers. They won't stop fighting and trying.  We won't stop cheering for them as they achieve

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