Monday, January 28, 2013

Commissioner Goodell not popular by demand

The Super Bowl usually has enough stories involving the teams playing the game. This Super Bowl is no exception because of the retirement of Ray Lewis. The Colin Kaeppernick story, Is Joe Flacco elite, The Harbaugh brothers as foes, Frank Gore, Ed Reed sagas and of course the journey that both teams have been on to get here.  That is a lot to cover. Throw in that the game is being played in recovering New Orleans, and you have the full Monty. However there is one major story coming out this week and it is not a pretty one.  The players can't stand the commissioner and they have ample reason to dislike and distrust him.
When Plaxico Burress shot himself in the leg at a night club, he was punished as vehemently as one can. He did not brandish the weapon and flaunt it to a crowd of people or anyone for that matter. He was carrying a weapon because the previous week before, his teammate Steve Smith was robbed at gunpoint with his wife by Smith's limousine driver. No one cared that that happened. Burress had the book thrown at him by both the NFL and the New York legal system. In my view, that case was the beginning of the end for Goodell. He has fined players and suspended players at a rate that makes people think he thinks he is executioner too.  The New Orleans Saints blame him for ruining what could have been a super season. James Harrison's paychecks have been garnished for suspension several times.  Ed Reed has made donations as well. He has probably made millions in just collected fine money. He has made his message clear about what he will tolerate or you will pay.  The tackle from the Redskins who was involved with that brawl last week better get ready for a phone call, because you can't be out and get in trouble these days.  Pacman Jones learned the hard way. Mr.Suh too.
Goodell feels he is doing what's best for football and its image with his fines and punishments.  The. Players understand his intentions but do not respect his methods . Brain injuries are killing players.  Concussion are a serious subject. The players feel over legislated and not respected. The league made millions lions for years with those vicious hits videos. Too many rules and constant reprimands have hurt the communication between the players and the league office.  They feel powerless and like slaves in some instances. Had he got his wish to play an eighteen game season anarchy would have run wild in the league. No one is surprised by the disapproval numbers, it should probably be worse. The system could have been a part of the collective bargain agreement, but the players seemed only intent on protecting their money. Now they have to deal with a leader who they did not vote in, but is firmly in charge. No one to blame but themselves....  The commissioner could care less!!

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