Sunday, January 27, 2013

Is Joe Flacco this years Eli

Before last season started, Elk Manning was asked whether or not he was an elite quarterback. He said he was and promptly went out an had an incredible season. He had moments last year that drove me crazy, with frustrating losses in the regular season. Some how he discovered how to win in the fourth quarter and in the post season and lead the New York Giants to a title. Well Joe Flacco has had more of a frustrating regular season and is in position to duplicate Eli's feat. Flacco does things in the regular season that makes you scratch more than your head. He has games that defy logic and give his detractors ammunition. The Ravens were 1-4 in their last five games and it could have been worse. Their one win was against the Giants. You either love Joe or you ask Joe to let the defense win games for you. In the regular season, the Ravens were hard to watch after week 10 but somehow, Joe has channeled his inner Eli Manning and has been brilliant in the post season.  He has beaten, Andrew Luck, Peyton, and Tom Brady end route to the big game. He has thrown 8 touchdowns and no picks so far and has outplayed those three qb's in the postseason. The throw he made to tie the Broncos is the stuff if legend. Outplaying Brady in Foxboro and getting redemption for last year is big contract worthy. He must pull off the finale in order to have an Eli Manning storybook, finish. The 49ers don't lose these games. They have had their ordinary Joe take them to the promise land. Multiple times... The Eli comparison from last year is a good one. He must finish however what he started...

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