Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The SEC does it again

I'm back and ready to try this blogging thing again.  Nothing will escape my probing eye.
At the beginning of the college football season, I prayed and begged that we get USC and a SEC team in the BCS championship game because it would save college football. USC has sent as many college football players to the pro's as anyone else has and they have the only style that can offset this single back offense that has taken over college and pro football. Unfortunately USC had its worse season in over a decade and we had to settle for the next best thing, which was Notre Dame. They didn't show up either. Is the SEC that much better than the rest of the nation or is it a case of right time and right match up. I guess until so done beats them I the big game, we have assume that they are just so ply better.
When I watched Clemson and Louisville defeat LSU and Florida, I really thought that that meant that we may have a true test in the title game. Louisville ambushed Florida with precision and speed and Clemson matched LSU punch for punch. Yes Les miles made some boneheaded play calls that would have iced the game, but I give Clemson credit for not quitting and simply playing a full 60 minutes. I should have been smarter and realized that those teams aren't being coached by Nick Saban. Saban had 30 plus days to prepare for this game and he had Alabama rolling from start to finish. The reason I thought Notre Dame had a chance is that Notre Dame played by far the toughest schedule and most diverse schedule in the nation.  They played navy,  Stanford, Michigan, Michigan St., BYU, Pittsburgh, Miami, Oklahoma just to name a few. USC too. All but Miami played in a bowl game. How could the not be prepared for this game? They had over 40 days to get ready.  They had no significant injuries. They just got whipped.
What SEC football is about is as simple as ABC. They play hard. They tackle hard. They don't quit until final gun. They hit you first and won't stop till the game is done. 7 straight national titles and counting. They have had three of last four Heisman winners. I guess every other conference needs to send scouts to these schools to learn how to compete for the glass football. Next year could be more of the same. Georgia,Texas a&m, alabama, lsu, Florida, return a majority of its star players and have top ten recruiting classes.  This could last for awhile....;

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